To the people with this attitude: What exactly is it that you WANT the Society to do?
If they really are the only spiritual leaders that are enjoying god's blessing and backing, if they really are the appointed faithful and discreet slave class, then I think it would behoove them to show genuine humility and honesty with their sheep. I'd like them to have a press conference to a worldwide audience admitting their mistakes and the mistakes of previous administrations. I'd like them to acknowledge the hurt they've caused. I'd like them to own up to becoming a U.N. NGO. I'd like them to admit their policies handling the sex abuse cases were lacking. I'd like them to take off their pinky rings, roll off their rolexes, stop living in their ivory towers, stop building plush, posh multi-million dollar headquarters. Oh, and I'd like them to go out into the real world and get a job!
Jesus was a carpenter. Paul was a tent maker. Peter was a fisherman. Luke was a physician. What work do the GB do to sustain themselves? I know, they go on broadcasts asking for your hard earned money and for your kid's ice cream money. SMH
I'd like an open press conference once a month where they publicly answer people's questions and give people access to why they changed a certain policy or came to a certain conclusion in regards to a new doctrine or light. I'd like financial transparency and over all accountability for...everything.
If they do those things, then quite possibly I will once again feel proud to be a part of this organization.