JoinedPosts by Bonsai
How strange that God's organisation needs tob eg for money
by Half banana ini would say that if god or jehovah or any other named or nameless god needs money then he/she/it is not much of a god.
as a poor jw pioneer i scraped by as a way of life serving a god i could not know, see or sense in any way but i swallowed the biblical dogma and recalled that the birds of the air neither toiled nor sowed but were provided for.. so for goodness sake...why is the jw org so concerned with keeping, promoting or downright snatching as much money as they can from the sheep?.
is it a sign that jehovah has disinherited them?
If I give you something for free, how much will you value it? On the other hand, If I make you work for it, pay for it, invest all your time, energy and play money into it, how easy will it be for you to throw it away then? It's just smart business really. They keep you invested so deeply that it is nearly impossible for those invested to walk away. I'm sure lots of people want to jump ship. The problem is they no longer know how to swim. -
Basic Bible and Religious Vocabulary the Watchtower Never Teaches
by CalebInFloroda inwhen i began formal study of religion and biblical analysis it was like peeling off layer after layer of dark matter, sticky and putrid that had stuck over my eyes and ears and mouth.
i learned that under the watchtower one only builds a widening gap between yourself and the world of biblical academia and scholars.
i used to think i knew a lot because i learned to quote a few scholars or lexicons as a witness.
It is a nice alternative, and I think the Jews go about their relationship with god with the right attitude. If the bible teaches us anything it's that nothing comes easy. God helps those who help themselves and all that. Thanks for the advice.
Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........
by minimus ini know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
It's the power of Christ that compels you! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
Just kidding! Ok, here's one I heard in one form or another:
"Aren't we grateful and thankful and have cause for joy because we have these precious gifts in men?!"
Basic Bible and Religious Vocabulary the Watchtower Never Teaches
by CalebInFloroda inwhen i began formal study of religion and biblical analysis it was like peeling off layer after layer of dark matter, sticky and putrid that had stuck over my eyes and ears and mouth.
i learned that under the watchtower one only builds a widening gap between yourself and the world of biblical academia and scholars.
i used to think i knew a lot because i learned to quote a few scholars or lexicons as a witness.
Very informative thread! Although I've lost all faith, I can't call myself an atheist because it's threads like this that prove to me that I've learned just enough to know that I don't really know anything at all. It makes me so sad that in this small lifespan that I have, I won't have the time to figure everything out.
The "good book" says that god is not a god of confusion". If only that were so.
JW Hatred and Elders Apathetic Manners Drove Me Here! Why are JWs fooled in to thinking the WTS Cares?
by Judas Maccabee infor years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
Hang in there buddy. Lean on your parents for support and advice. Don't be in a hurry to do something you will regret later. Cool off, calm down, think things through clearly and then make decisions. Your wife might be suffering from anxiety attacks, depression or stress/trauma from the religion. Maybe get her to see a counselor to help her and your marriage out?
I hope everything works out for you.
I see two people and also a glowing square in the background disturbing what would have been a nice scenic picture of a field dotted with asters and tall reeds. -
Child Abuse - "I don't care. I haven't got any children".
by cofty inearlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
Sadly, I have to admit that there was a time when I felt this way. i knew there were abuse problems when I was still in, but I didn't know all the facts. I assumed it was always possible that people were just lying to get attention and money from the organization. I reasoned that Jehovah would sort it out in his own time and me, with no children, didn't have to worry or think about the abuse problem any further. SMH. I really didn't care until I had a daughter of my own to think about. -
Why hasn’t someone gotten real pissed off yet?
by John Aquila ini keep reading of some guy who is so upset at someone that he goes into a theater and shoots 20 people..
or a kid that is so mad that the other kids made fun of him that he goes to school and shoots a bunch of kids..
or some guy that was fired from his job and he goes back and shoots of bunch of his workers.
I just found out after I posted. If anything the Louisiana tragedy highlights the validity of this topic. The ex JW community has never engaged in an act of violence on a scale such as that of what just happened in Louisiana. We are surprised (because we've all met a nut or two in the organization), but we are relieved and take pride in our non-violent activism against those who have abused and manipulated us on so many levels. Simonsays, you sir, are missing the point. Quit seeking to remove the straw from your fellow ex-JW's eye while you yet have not removed the rafter from your own eye. -
Why hasn’t someone gotten real pissed off yet?
by John Aquila ini keep reading of some guy who is so upset at someone that he goes into a theater and shoots 20 people..
or a kid that is so mad that the other kids made fun of him that he goes to school and shoots a bunch of kids..
or some guy that was fired from his job and he goes back and shoots of bunch of his workers.
Wherever the (k)GB go, they bring their entourage of body guards, lawyers and helpers. They are untouchable.
Most who leave, leave for conscientious reasons or moral freedom. That means they have a conscience and are not likely to be a sociopath or psychopath. The last thing they would want to do is trade a figurative prison cell made of fear, obligation and guilt for a literal one made of cold, hard steel.
Resistance is NOT futile!
by Bonsai inall i want from this life is to be able to wash windows at bethel.. my story.. when i was fresh out of high school and pioneering, i said those exact words to my friends and family.
all i wanted to do was be at the core of the organization where it was the safest.
i gleefully told people that i'd gladly spend the rest of my life washing windows, waiting tables, doing laundry or cleaning bathrooms.
Thanks for digging that info up Bluesbrothers. I have it in Japanese somewhere, also there is a Japanese Kingdom Ministry explicitly forbidding the practice of floral tributes at funerals.