JoinedPosts by Bonsai
I believe that the greater percentage of JWs-You Will Not Be Able to Help, no Matter What Facts You Show Them.
by John Aquila inso i ran into this brother whom ive known for a while and the conversation led into me being invited to come back to the kingdom hall.
we talked for about an hour during which time i explained to him 607 being the wrong date and a lot of other stuff including the child abuse cases in australia.
but what i wanted to relate was the last few minutes of our conversation.
It's not so hard to understand. Humans have been ridonkulously superstitious and fearful of death since the beginning. JWism is just an evolution of beliefs built up over time. There will always be that element of society that chooses to be dominated by wishful thinking and wish to subject their lives to imaginary fairies and flying spaghetti monsters. Some people can't accept their mortality. They can't accept that life only has meaning through the hard work you put into it. They want the easy way. Ihey want a quick trip to Valhalla. -
Do you think the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime or a terrible act of war ?
by truthseeker100 ini believe that the bombings shortened the war in the pacific and probably saved countless lives.
i am not an expert on this subject but given the times it was probably the correct and moral thing to do.. what say you all?.
I agree with LoveUniHateExams. It was a terrible thing to do, but in the end it most likely saved lives. I've lived in Japan for years and spoken to many who fought and survived the war. It's very interesting to hear the Japanese side of things. The common people were petrified of the government and of displeasing the emperor, but by 1944 most people could see which way the wind was blowing. The Japanese people wanted out of the war long before it ended, but the government had too much power over them. I wish America had detonated a bomb over a non populated area to give the people a chance to override the government. By the time the U.S. dropped the bombs the Japanese navy was non existent and the U.S. had time to try various things. Hindsight is 20/20.
My wife was born in Nagasaki and I've been to Hiroshima a few times. The changes and the goodwill between America and Japan today is nothing short of miraculous.
New Inactive One Saying Hello to all
by Lostwun inlostwun here, i joined 2 months ago but am now just finding the courage after doing more research to formally introduce myself to the board and embrace my new beginnings as an ex-jw.
i am a second-generation jw.
i grew up with parents who are well known and very respected in many circuits.
Welcome! Hope your hubby can eventually see the light, too. I remember how hard it was on my wife when I quit, cold turkey, last fall. Now she's by my side! Take it slow, keep showing patience, love and respect to your hubby and good things will happen! -
I watched Mr. Jackson last night with my super cult minded parents
by Magwitch ini have seen some ask on this site how the active jw's are handling what is happening in australia.
here is my little experience from last night........ my parents were baptized in the late 30's as children and have never faltered in their determination to survive the great tribulation and live forever in paradise (even though they actively associate with all their df'ed kids).
my father is still actively serving as an elder and my mother has always been by his side.
Magwitch, your experience confirms my worst fears - that this testimony only serves to heighten the zeal and obedience of the sheep to the magnificent seven in Brooklyn. I was really hoping that the sex abuse problems would weaken the hero worship status of the Watchtower leaders. I was hoping it would expose the inappropriate, even dangerous, unchecked power that the Watchtower leaders have over their flock. It was also my hope that the mishandling of sex abuse cases would spill over into the abuse that is caused by the organization's shunning, isolating and unusually cruel punishment policies.
It seems that Jackson was able to pull the wool over many people's eyes because of his skillfully cherry-picking scriptures to support the society's arcane policies. The whole thing leaves me feeling disappointed and unsatisfied. Kudos to you for the respect you have shown your parents, though.
exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite innow that enough time has passed and i've moved away, i think i'm overdue to share some of the stories from my fade.
i've mentioned some of this before, but i think it deserves its own thread.. we all would like to be able to freely ask questions about jw beliefs and get our family and friends to really think about certain questions.
however, when you're a baptized jw, you really can't ask any good questions or you'll get the "apostate" label slapped on you!
In the RC public hearing, Geoffrey Jackson apologized a dozen times for various reasons. He thus demonstrated the GB has an ability to apologize.Why then, have the GB never apologized to the sheep for harmful mistakes that they made?
A good question to put to a JW.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
I think atheists are immoral! The bible says they are bad!
What Do I Smell Like (Happy Friday All)
by freemindfade inso i just smoked a cigar, then came back into the office to wash it down with some bourbon... for whatever reason i was telling cappy what i smell like now, here is the list, please add your own .
fmf: .
i smell like an old leather chair in a civl war era library .
I smell like the sushi and sashimi that I just ate. Something smells fishy!
Bourbon and sushi - the stuff heaven is made of.
Mr Jackson said the GB has apologized in the past?
by notsurewheretogo inplease enlighten me as to where and when...
When the GB are roped in to a government committee hearing, did you see how eager Jackson was to kowtow before Mcllelan and Stewart? Over and over he said, "My apologies your honor...". "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry for misunderstanding the question" etc.
A classic case of being two-faced. A humble, concerned, even apologetic face for the secular authorities and a smug, pompous face for the lowly sheeples.
by Terry inin the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.. _____________________.
in the watchtower society, there is a point where heaven and earth meet.. 100+ years of historical evidence will show it is a junction of dysfunction; a mental construct; a shadow of imagination indwelling like a spirit of possession.. the shaman who invoke this shadow spirit are seven men in number; an elite cadre of self-described anointed kings and priests whose ultimate destination is heaven itself.. or so they are eager to insist!.
while cloaking themselves in the ragged raiment of mere slaves, their actions, words and deeds betray this subterfuge.
Good points Terry.
Lord Jackson didn't really get animated and come to life until Stewart asked him if there was any scriptural precedent for the JW's shunning arrangement. "Why yes Mr. Stewart, thank you for allowing me to delve into that point. In the bible I would like to show you..."Then, hilariously, Stewart cut him off and changed the direction of the topic. It was obvious that the issue of shunning and control gave Jackson an instant hard on and his dead fish eyes immediately came to life.
Mr Jackson said the GB has apologized in the past?
by notsurewheretogo inplease enlighten me as to where and when...
They have never apologized for jack ***t. I don't know what Jackson was talking about.