Welcome. I hear what you are saying about things becoming complicated when a little child is in the picture. Your religious views are evolving, but love for your child should not be affected by the changes in your life. If your child can feel the unconditional love from both her parents, then it's very likely that all the other changes will have very little effect on her. I have a little girl, too. i think we are doing them a favor by leaving this "captive organization" and the conditional human relationships that it offers.
I am a fourth generation witness, and I have seen how this religion has influenced and screwed up/divided four generations of my family. The cycle ends with me!
Making new friends can be a tough hurdle for some (like me). It's hard to trust again. But if you put in the effort and take the initiative to start new hobbies or volunteer work friends will start coming out of the wood work.
Wishing you and your family the best!