JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Court seizes over one million Jehovah's Witnesses brochures brought into Russia
by StarTrekAngel in
It's amazing what a difference a year makes. Last year I would have been so angry with Russia and its overhanded tactics. Now I just feel apathy towards what they are doing. The Russian people have enough to deal with right now. They don't need the added guilt, fear and obligation dumped on them from some American sect. Also, they have their own KGB, they don't need to compete with the seven (k)GB in NY. -
Perfection? Ponder this...
by OverlappingGeneralizations inhello all- nice forum.i have been contemplating a fade for a while, and i have been reading various sites such as this one.
i have seen all kinds of things that have made me think.
but something came to mind lately, and i wanted to throw it out there-satan was cast down to the earth, and he is supposedly the cause of all imperfection.
I'd like to see a perfected version of Lett. Will he gesture less? Will his facial expressions normalize? Will god let him in to heaven with that pinky ring? How about our big brother Morris? Will that perpetual scowl disappear from his face? As my big brothers pave the way for my perfection over the 1,000 years, are they gonna help kick some ass when the beast is unleashed from the abyss? Or will they be a big no show like Loesch was when summoned to court last year?
I don't think moving to a new planet would help. Satan can still shoot beams of perfection busting particles from the surface of the earth to zap you of your immortality. Lets consider too that all these spirit creatures have had millions of years to plot and plan the fate of humanity. I would think that Satan knew beforehand which planets closets to the earth were the easiest and most likely to be colonized, so he set up some traps, temptations and perfection busting shooters on each of the planets near us.
Also, when man began to build civilization up and mass together, god got angry, stepped in and confused all with languages to divide and scatter the smartest and most capable people. What makes you think he would allow humans to colonize planets without stepping in and disrupting them?
Nice thread and welcome to the forum!
Won't get fooled again ...Moon Landing.
by The Rebel inso i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
"Noooo waaay! That's great. We landed on the moon!" - Jim Carey ( Dumb and dumber)
You want to say there is no Valhalla, Yahweh or Santa Claus? Fine. But don't take away my awe of us landing on the moon!
JWs nearly killed my mother
by cookiemaster inthe past week has been hell for me.
my mother started feeling ill and we went to seek medical assistance.
we live in the mountains and the nearest large hospital is about 150 kms away.
My thoughts echo everyone else's here! Appreciated the happy ending. This story has made my day as another potential human sacrifice was avoided.. -
i made my sister cry :(
by BlackWolf inso lately i've felt so frustrated and overwhelmed that i had to tell someone how i felt.
my parents were gone so i decided to talk to my sister.
we've always been close so i thought i could trust her because we have talked about it before.
It disgusts me how this religion keeps children locked in a prison of fear and superstition. Their only thought is to escape this system and get into paradise. So many children growing up in this environment are forced to live in small isolated little worlds that prevent them from contributing to society and harnessing their innate talents for the benefit of others and for themselves.
Is your 14 year old sister baptized? If/when you leave, it seems very likely that she will zealously shun you. For the sake of your relationship with her, I'd help her little by little to expand her mind and see that not all is truth in WatchtowerLand before it's too late. If she wants to continue as a witness then that's her choice, but it would be advantageous to you if she was a "flexible" witness so that you can keep your relationship with her even if you leave.
Life after the witnesses, friends, faith etc
by Theburstbubble inhi everyone, this is my first post so go easy on me :) i have been a witness all of my life (i'm 37) and truly believed it until 3 years ago.
my husband and i had become spiritually weak and over time i began to question more and more until i came to the conclusion that the witnesses were not the true religion but just one of many religions and that if god is there then there are many paths to get to him.
anyway, i've battled with keeping going as my husband still believed and i didn't want to be in a divided household as we have a young daughter and thought it would be very confusing for her (and us).
Welcome. I hear what you are saying about things becoming complicated when a little child is in the picture. Your religious views are evolving, but love for your child should not be affected by the changes in your life. If your child can feel the unconditional love from both her parents, then it's very likely that all the other changes will have very little effect on her. I have a little girl, too. i think we are doing them a favor by leaving this "captive organization" and the conditional human relationships that it offers.
I am a fourth generation witness, and I have seen how this religion has influenced and screwed up/divided four generations of my family. The cycle ends with me!
Making new friends can be a tough hurdle for some (like me). It's hard to trust again. But if you put in the effort and take the initiative to start new hobbies or volunteer work friends will start coming out of the wood work.
Wishing you and your family the best!
Remember the two elderly sisters?
by John Aquila inabout a month ago i posted what had happened to two elderly sisters who were reprimanded by a couple of elders for crying because the jw broadcasting was going to be stopped at the kingdom hall and it was up to each publisher to learn how to use the internet.
if you recall the sisters got together with my mom and talked about it and it resulted in all of them declining to make meals for the pioneers.
here is the link.
Two thumbs up!! -
I believe that the greater percentage of JWs-You Will Not Be Able to Help, no Matter What Facts You Show Them.
by John Aquila inso i ran into this brother whom ive known for a while and the conversation led into me being invited to come back to the kingdom hall.
we talked for about an hour during which time i explained to him 607 being the wrong date and a lot of other stuff including the child abuse cases in australia.
but what i wanted to relate was the last few minutes of our conversation.
Secretslaveclass, I get what you are saying and I am perplexed as well.
If I can be receptive to new facts, why can't others?
As we have all come to know so well, The GB demonize all new facts that don't come from them and their literature. I feel pity for the JW stuck in fear of the GB just as the North Koreans are afraid of the regime, or the Japanese were afraid of the imperial government. We've overcome our fear and are free, but we must try to be patient with other JW's who haven't woken up. It's a process I think.
John Aquila, don't stress yourself out. Don't let their buffoonery rob you of your joy and energy.
I believe that the greater percentage of JWs-You Will Not Be Able to Help, no Matter What Facts You Show Them.
by John Aquila inso i ran into this brother whom ive known for a while and the conversation led into me being invited to come back to the kingdom hall.
we talked for about an hour during which time i explained to him 607 being the wrong date and a lot of other stuff including the child abuse cases in australia.
but what i wanted to relate was the last few minutes of our conversation.
It's not so hard to understand. Humans have been ridonkulously superstitious and fearful of death since the beginning. JWism is just an evolution of beliefs built up over time. There will always be that element of society that chooses to be dominated by wishful thinking and wish to subject their lives to imaginary fairies and flying spaghetti monsters. Some people can't accept their mortality. They can't accept that life only has meaning through the hard work you put into it. They want the easy way. Ihey want a quick trip to Valhalla. -
Do you think the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime or a terrible act of war ?
by truthseeker100 ini believe that the bombings shortened the war in the pacific and probably saved countless lives.
i am not an expert on this subject but given the times it was probably the correct and moral thing to do.. what say you all?.
I agree with LoveUniHateExams. It was a terrible thing to do, but in the end it most likely saved lives. I've lived in Japan for years and spoken to many who fought and survived the war. It's very interesting to hear the Japanese side of things. The common people were petrified of the government and of displeasing the emperor, but by 1944 most people could see which way the wind was blowing. The Japanese people wanted out of the war long before it ended, but the government had too much power over them. I wish America had detonated a bomb over a non populated area to give the people a chance to override the government. By the time the U.S. dropped the bombs the Japanese navy was non existent and the U.S. had time to try various things. Hindsight is 20/20.
My wife was born in Nagasaki and I've been to Hiroshima a few times. The changes and the goodwill between America and Japan today is nothing short of miraculous.