JoinedPosts by Bonsai
What do you day dream about?
by punkofnice ini don't refer to anything sexually explicit of course.. i mean, in general.
do you dream of owning a big house, a football team, the perfect paradise earth?.
i'll start:.
I dream of exploring the world. I dream of hacking through jungles, crossing deserts, climbing mountains and sailing across the ocean. I dream of getting a master's degree and becoming a horticulturist. -
No longer wanting to attend meetings
by breezy inhello everyone.. first post here.
long time follower of this website, probably 4 years now.
i've known about ttatt since ive been 18, im now 22 going on 23 but still go to meetings because of parents.
Just want to give a shout out to (Paul Grundy).
The site makes it so easy to click and paste so much useful material for instant access.
No longer wanting to attend meetings
by breezy inhello everyone.. first post here.
long time follower of this website, probably 4 years now.
i've known about ttatt since ive been 18, im now 22 going on 23 but still go to meetings because of parents.
“No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.” Awake! 2009 Jul p.29
Welcome to the site and to the rest of your life lived on YOUR terms.
things you dont hear: Protest against Jehovah's Witnesses event in central Israel turns violent
by goingthruthemotions init funny how the cult will imbelish on somethings and others they just sweep under the rug and you never hear anything about it again.
i was just doing some searches on the internet and stumbled on this.
i had heard that the dub's were trying to get people to go to israel and then you never hear anything after that.
Leave it to JW commenters to airbrush and cherry-pick their past. Someone needs to post the anti-semetism found in the 1934 yearbook:
The Declaration of Facts was reprinted in the Yearbook 1934. It went on in part to state:
"It is falsely charged by our enemies that we have received financial support for our work from the Jews. Nothing is farther from the truth. Up to this hour there never has been the slightest bit of money contributed to our work by Jews. We are the faithful followers of Christ Jesus and believe upon Him as the Savior of the world, whereas the Jews entirely reject Jesus Christ and emphatically deny that he is the Savior of the world sent of God for man's good. This of itself should be sufficient proof to show that we receive no support from Jews and that therefore the charges against us are maliciously false and could proceed only from Satan, our great enemy. The greatest and the most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.--------------------------------
"Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world and the business of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position" The Golden Age 1927 Feb 23 p.343JW criticism of the Jews fomented a lot of hatred in Germany leading up to The Holocaust. No wonder the Jews today can't stand them.
No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'
by wizzstick inin short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
This is gonna shake things up in Japan. Most brothers here wear tight and I mean tight(!) suits. I find many of them to be quite effeminate. My wife and I used to joke about which brother would make the cutest sister if they changed a few things up. Maybe AM3 came here last year for the branch visit and didn't like what he saw. -
No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'
by wizzstick inin short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
Elder to not quite so keen MS., " Oh you can please me. Meet me in the back room right now!" -
Global attack On Religion
by Bonsai inwitnesses on facebook are salivating over this atlanta-journal constitution newspaper article..
Coptic Christians, Jews, Catholics and Protestants are being terrorized by ISIS and other fanatical Muslims. That's a fact. I'm sure some Witnesses scattered about in some areas are being threatened as well. But as far as world wide, the only thing Watchtower is being threatened with are lawsuits because of their abusive shunning policies, criminal blood policy and protecting the identities of thousands of pedophiles. -
Global attack On Religion
by Bonsai inwitnesses on facebook are salivating over this atlanta-journal constitution newspaper article..
Witnesses on Facebook are salivating over this Atlanta-Journal Constitution newspaper article.
Are you a 老外 (laowei = foreigner) - where to go for a pub-crawl in Shanghai
by fulltimestudent inwhen i was less experienced in chinese ways, i used to think that chinese people couldn't drink (low tolerance to alcohol).
not so, last trip i tagged along on a night out, a friend put on for his staff.
after a long dinner of many dishes, cooked specially by a 5 star hotel chef hired for the occasion, lubricated with many bottles of wine, we finished up at a nightclub on the edge of a lake, where they continued drinking shot after shot of tequila.
LOL at 老外. "Old outsider". You gotta love the Chinese way of viewing foreigners. In Japan, they call us, "外国人 (gaikokujin) people from outside the country". They also call us ”外人(gaijin) outsiders". Leave it to the Chinese to add 老。
I'd love to visit Shanghai someday. Thanks for the travel tips.
Neglect of Adolescents by the WTBTS - Excellent Article
by Tornintwo ini have been thinking a lot about the lack of support, judgement and criticism of teenagers in the organisation.
i am dealing with the fallout of these policies with my two adolescents...i found this excellent article this morning which is worth a read for anyone interested in this topic - see the links below but first i also wanted to add my own bugbear, forgive the rant: .
a key factor which isn't mentioned in the article is the 'bad association' rule and it's extended application.
Great post and article! Exactly why I don't want my kids touching this nutty religion with a ten-foot pole! No support. Loads of judgement and isolation. I remember my COBE in my last hall tried to whip up all kinds of extra curricular activities for the young ones. We supported it wholly. Then a study article came out which said we needed to taper off activities that were taking time away from field service. Needless to say, the picnics, softball games and riverside barbeques came to an abrupt halt.