Kaik, I knew I had seen the Ruby Spice before during my in meanderings in the mountains. Here in Japan we have this plant in tree form. It's called "Ryoubu". I have always wanted this tree in my garden because all the critters flock to it's sweet smelling flowers, but it doesn't start to flower until it is a mature tree towering over everything. I had no idea there was a shrub form that grew in North America! I checked online and they sell it here as "Amerika-ryoubu". It also has a beautiful pink hybrid called "pink spire". Thanks for the valuable information!
I also finally found butterfly weed here at a nursery for the first time. It is great for attracting monarchs as both a host plant and a nectar plant.There is a tropical butterfly that uses the milkweed as a host plant. Often times a late summer typhoon will scoop up tropical butterflies from Taiwan and then dump them on Japan where they survive till the frost. Hopefully I can get a few to come to my garden.