JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Gorby says goodbye
by Gorbatchov inmy eyes for ttatt opened in 1995 with the generation change and the wt magazine stated "some witness thought that the generation started in 1914".
since 1997, with internet at low speed, i followed h2o hourglass, and later on did a bachelor and post bachelor since then.. now, nearly completed with fading, i feel it's time to go on with my life and do some other things, spending more time with my wife abd children instead of thinking about jw topics in my head.
goal is being a better person and less grumpy at 45.... everything what could be said is already said.
Best of luck and wish you all the best! -
Special Day for our family today!
by Captain Schmideo2 inmy son graduates with his bachelors degree, cum laude!.
he is the first in my family to graduate with a four year degree.
and he is already in talks for a teaching job.. so, gerrit lush....up your nose with a rubber hose!
There is nothing more dangerous of a threat to the cult than an educated exJW.
Artificial Intelligence Is Here "Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I. "
by Brokeback Watchtower inour world is about to change big time..
A.I.maggeddon is coming! What would be really cool is if we can somehow link up with A.I.'s. We can fuse together, program them to fix our bodies with nano technology thus insuring our eternal existence. -
Suffering and existence of God
by elbib inmany people find it difficult to reconcile suffering and existence of god.
it seems they feel that it is god’s obligation to shield humans from ill-effects of their short-sighted acts..
people’s hobby has something to do with this kind of reasoning!
Bold is mine.
Therefore, be it pleasure or pain all events are meant for sustenance of the infinite ladder of life. Tell that to 99% of the living organisms that have been wiped off the face of the earth over the last 600 million years. In case you didn't notice, god sucks at sustaining things. Whether individuals understand or not, underlying realities matter little in the super-scale of grand hierarchy though personal preferences are determined by our needs and greed.The hierarchy of the Universe is decided by arbitrary religionists like you. By the way, who gave us need? Who gave us greed? Prayers change nothing, Glad you can understand that. So, why pray? Why worship? but our own mind doesn't accept whatever is ordained. Nor should it without clear proof of an existing supernatural ordainer. If God were to speak to or advise each one of us that He means the best for each being in Creation, the mind would have rejected Gods decrees on the premise that God is ignorant of what is good for each entity. BS. No one has ever heard the voice of god, but many spend a lifetime trying to hear it. I'm sure some creationists on here would faint with pleasure if god ever directly communicated with them. This may be the reason why God chose to work in absolute silence. Or, shocker, it may be because your god (unclear which one you worship from your vague posts) doesn't exist.
Suffering and existence of God
by elbib inmany people find it difficult to reconcile suffering and existence of god.
it seems they feel that it is god’s obligation to shield humans from ill-effects of their short-sighted acts..
people’s hobby has something to do with this kind of reasoning!
I'm sorry, it may be too difficult for you to comprehend, but the cause of suffering is easy to understand. We are alone in the universe, and the universe is one mean ****. Short-sightedness has nothing to do with earthquakes, tsunamis, evolving viruses and bacterias killing people.
I find your post to be incredible naive to the difficult plight that people in poor countries face. Some people don't have enough money to put food on the table, never mind contraceptives.
“Even if this wasn’t the Truth, I need the structure.”
by Londo111 ini remember many years back a fellow ministerial servant saying this to me.
he felt that even if jehovah’s witnesses were not the only true religion, the regimented routine of meetings and field service and the strict rules and enforcement provided a beneficial structure for his life.
at the time i thought if this wasn’t “the truth”, i’d have no need for all that “structure”.
This is why it is important for parents to provide structure and stability for their children. Doing so makes it less likely that children will become victims to cultish, fundamentalist religious groups. -
Understanding The Bible ... The "Linchpin" Effect
by Littleleslie inunderstanding the holy bible.. .
after many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible.
we call it, the "linchpin" effect... .
Gosh, I never heard that one before!
When religions fail to deliver the goods, or fail to be relevant in this modern age, they try to appear mysterious, profound and mystical. We've got a sacred secret! Join us to find out what it is! They 'profit' as 'prophets' and 'prey' on your desire to 'pray'.
Some things never change.
Letter # 1 to the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM inhere is my first letter i posted to the governing body.
i also hope that brothers on the writing committee who may be lurking on this site (and have some clout) read my letter and bring in change to this very flawed policy around confession of sins.. enjoy.
the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses.
Their policies and interpretation of the scriptures you mentioned in James and 1 Timothy have been thought out and set in stone for decades. There is no misinterpretation in their eyes. Their is no flaw in policy in their minds. Everything is set up in such a way so as to CONTROL the flock. They replace your conscience with theirs. They use gossip and rumors and peer pressure to keep the sheeples in line. A public reproof is exactly what they want you to be petrified of. Why would they remove one of their most effective weapons when it is so successful?
I appreciate you effort and concern, though.
My son has a very significant interview today..
by Captain Schmideo2 inhe is just days away from graduation with his bachelor's in english, and today, he has an interview with a recruiter for an agency that help with finding teaching positions in south korea.. i took it upon myself to research the company and his interviewer, and it's been high marks all around on both of them.
so that's a great ease on my mind.i just hope the interview (over the phone) goes well, and results in the next steps to getting a son spent a month in seoul last summer, an loved the place.
he has friends out there as well, including a young man that he attended classes with here in the states, so i think that's a real plus in taking this very giant leap.when i was his age, i was slowly working my way through a two year degree, still living at home, and aspiring to nothing more than a job as a repairman.
Captain Schmideo,
My experience in Korea? It was only for a few weeks. I stayed in Pusan, which is a nice coastal city. I loved the spicey food that makes you sweat every time. Young sisters there were very kind and eager to use their English with foreigners ( one sister whom I barely knew quickly hinted that she would love to marry an American and live in America) and people seemed to be good humored and kind in general. I didn't however like their blunt comments and intrusive questions. Korea is quite the opposite of Japan being somewhat more western in nature, but both countries have tons of great things going for them.
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Had to kill a bunch of black widow spiders today. Little buggers are everywhere here. Luckily, they aren't very aggressive, but they like to hide under the lip on top of plant containers.
Loads of butterflies in the garden today. It's full out summer now over here.