That's a *****d up video, but sadly it's the perfect embodiment of young Japanese people's version of what is cute and in vogue these days. The lyrics are all helter-skelter without much reason or rhyme to them. Basically saying to come to Japan when you are feeling down. Enjoy the culture, eat our chocolate and famous dishes. Take a dip in an onsen spa and visit the famous places here. Enjoy Japan because it's a stable,safe place to be etc. The foreign guy is just prattling off a list of things to do and places to visit in his death metal voice.
The girl singers are high school students, probably part of a small-time band out of Tokyo.
So many young people here dress like princess prostitutes and think it's cute, not pedophilic. Sadly this is resulting in many kids and teenagers getting stalked, kidnapped and raped.
I asked my Japanese friends if anyone has ever heard of "Ladybaby" and none of them had. The song's name is Nippon Manju. Nippon is another way to say Nihon, which means Japan. Manju is a rice snack filled with red bean paste - I love it!