What frustrates me and turns me off to Christianity is the fact that everything that happened up until now - billions of deaths, constant wars and famines - were the result of Adam accepting a piece of fruit from his wife and eating it. Did Adam kill anyone? Rape anyone? No. He ate a piece of fruit. Instead of banishing Adam, god could have continued to show mercy. He could have continued to educate Adam as a father educates his child when he makes a mistake. Instead he abandons Adam and his family (mankind). Gives us a child sacrifice during a bygone age of desert tribes, goat herders and Roman statue worshipers. 2000+ years later we are supposed to swallow this stuff or face the ultimate sin of becoming the anti-christ. Also we are to go door-to-door and tell everyone how LOVING and LOGICAL this arrangement is.
Even if somehow this is all true, I can never fathom how Jesus' slaughter is supposed to compel me to love god.