Literally beaming rays of pride in all directions right now Umbertotecho! Way to take the initiative!
If I may ask, what does Umbertotecho mean?
firstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
Literally beaming rays of pride in all directions right now Umbertotecho! Way to take the initiative!
If I may ask, what does Umbertotecho mean?
Freakin' hilarious Watchtower Free!
Over 100 years of false prophecy! Now that would definitely get me into a kingdom hall to study that article!
let's think about this for a bit.
adam was tempted and sinned by eating of the fruit.
he missed out on immortality by being denied the tree of life.
What frustrates me and turns me off to Christianity is the fact that everything that happened up until now - billions of deaths, constant wars and famines - were the result of Adam accepting a piece of fruit from his wife and eating it. Did Adam kill anyone? Rape anyone? No. He ate a piece of fruit. Instead of banishing Adam, god could have continued to show mercy. He could have continued to educate Adam as a father educates his child when he makes a mistake. Instead he abandons Adam and his family (mankind). Gives us a child sacrifice during a bygone age of desert tribes, goat herders and Roman statue worshipers. 2000+ years later we are supposed to swallow this stuff or face the ultimate sin of becoming the anti-christ. Also we are to go door-to-door and tell everyone how LOVING and LOGICAL this arrangement is.
Even if somehow this is all true, I can never fathom how Jesus' slaughter is supposed to compel me to love god.
"mental wondering in the wilderness"... uh oh.... it's a long post from snakes.... lol.
yep... i think that is the best way to describe where i am at in life right now.
if you have read my past posts (mostly in the private section) you know some of my history as a life-long (now former) witness.. i have been away from the jw religion, for all intents and purposes, since dec. 06, though it was not until sept 07 that i stopped attending meetings.
i have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
I don't understand why almost all the threads that run the longest on this site have to do with atheism/theism debates. You say toe-mah-toe, I say toe-may-toe. Nothing changes or results from these threads.
There are more important things to consider in the post JW life:
Who's gonna win the world series?
Do my wife and kids feel sufficiently loved by me?
How long should I grow my facial hair?
What beer / wine should I buy tonight?
Have I watched Terminator 5 yet? If not, am I making a realistic plan to do so?
How many peanuts can I safely shove up my nose?
How long can I hold my breath before I start feeling faintish?
Can I wiggle my ears? Yes. How about my nostrils? Yes.
Priorities people!
i read it but it certainly didn't apply to me.
nobody stumbled me or hurt my feelings.
i just know crap when i see it.
i have been in correspondence recently with silentambs and a few interesting things have been highlighted.
some of you may know, that bill bowen has twice tried to get the fbi involved in investigating child molestation issues in the jws org.
this is what he said to me, i quote: we have reported to the fbi on two occasions and were rebuffed due to them not wishing to get involved with a religion.
Nitty Gritty, thanks for coming on here to update us on the past activities of Bill Bowens. We are so happy to have apostates like you who have connections with the major bigwig apostates. I know you wouldn't molest a child right? I'm sure you are just trying to look at things from a fair and balanced perspective. The fact that you are on here as a budding apostate shows that you have other issues with the org. Clearly THIS issue isn't as big a deal to you as other issues are, like perhaps unscriptural shunning or the unscriptural reinstatement arrangement. Perhaps the North Korea like information control techniques that the society employs disturb you as well.
You are commenting on a very emotional issue that people on this site have suffereed from, or perhaps their friends or family haver suffered from. Don't be surprised by the emotional backlash of from your posts. People are angry. People have been wronged and those are the facts man.
how much do you want to bet that the organization has already started preparing articles for the watchtower magazines, convention talks, circuit overseers talks and letters to bodies of elders, to refute what is happening in australia?
right now the most important thing for the wt to do is protect their image that they are gods visible organization.especially in the u.s. and latin american countries.
The (k)GB already knew this was going to happen, which is why in the July broadcast Lett said it was all apostate driven lies. It was said preemptively to attack the integrity of the royal commission hearing. I hope they use Lett's soundbite in the hearings next week.
are you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
for the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
The priority is not to protect the abused.
It's not to protect the community.
It's not even to protect the flock.
It's to protect the Organization.
They don't want to report to the authorities their massive problems because they are under pressure to prove that they have the "true love" of John 13;35 and that they alone are "united" such as stated at 1 Cor. 1:10.
The whole sex abuse scandal is a massive stain that is just too embarrassing for them to come to grips with, so it paralyzes them into doing nothing.
The Royal Commission is unwittingly exposing the policies that exist to protect an organization and not individuals or people in the community. These are unprecedented times.