I agree with LoveUniHateExams. It was a terrible thing to do, but in the end it most likely saved lives. I've lived in Japan for years and spoken to many who fought and survived the war. It's very interesting to hear the Japanese side of things. The common people were petrified of the government and of displeasing the emperor, but by 1944 most people could see which way the wind was blowing. The Japanese people wanted out of the war long before it ended, but the government had too much power over them. I wish America had detonated a bomb over a non populated area to give the people a chance to override the government. By the time the U.S. dropped the bombs the Japanese navy was non existent and the U.S. had time to try various things. Hindsight is 20/20.
My wife was born in Nagasaki and I've been to Hiroshima a few times. The changes and the goodwill between America and Japan today is nothing short of miraculous.