JoinedPosts by Bonsai
Debating evolution, intelligent design and cosmology with a JW
by Thestumbler83 inive been having an email exchange with a jw family member and the discussion seem to have become a bit heated and im not quite sure why.
i dont think ive said anything obviously offensive and ive been very careful with my wording.
but i think im sometimes a bit tone deaf with these things.
Hello stumbler83. Trying to unplug someone from a cult at 60 can be very dangerous. Please tread carefully. -
A new religion/cult?
by roberto avon ina new religion?.
it has been a while that i didn't post.
as some of you may know i live in italy and ( maybe ) something curious is happening.
A Japanese proverb states that, "kaeru no ko wa kaeru desu." The child of a frog is a frog. It might start off looking different, but in the end, a cult that breaks off from a cult is just another wannabe cult. I'm sure there are many other "children" that branch off the JWs that we don't even know about. -
Rebel With A Cause....
by The Rebel in" only the good die young".
or at least they remain eternally young and heroic particularly if they died for you.
the trouble is we can outgrow our hero worship and our opinions of that person can change.. this is what has happened to me with my childhood friend and my hero jesus.
I'd love to believe that there is a loving "son of man" who has the best interests of humanity close to his heart. I'd like to believe that he is more interested in communicating with and educating humanity than destroying it. But what I'd like to believe and what reality has shown me are two different things. Death, war, taxes, tsunamis, harmful pathogens that kill by the thousands... those are real. Jesus? Controlling storms? Walking on water? Bringing back the dead? Not so much. -
What does your baptism mean to you now?
by GiftsinMen ini was baptised on 1st sept 1990, 25years ago today.
it is still a date with deep meaning for me.
i never dedicated my life to serving any man or any organisation, this was my choice - as a grown adult - to serve my god through jesus christ.
I thought I had baptized myself to "the God of Love", but the elders recently admonished me that my baptism is a lawful contract to an Organization. So..... I guess my baptism isn't what I thought it was, and consequently, doesn't mean anything. -
JW UN Rumor
by ivanatahan inyes, i have returned.. a short recap of major events since my inactivity began: i finally revealed to my parents that i do not believe the same thing they believe in (after i was caught smooching my girlfriend by a family of good-for-nothing pieces of human feces), and of course they view themselves as failed parents who were unable to brainwash their children.
that is, of course, the reason why they are much more controlling over what i do in my life now (my mom even tried having a "bible study" with me).
i told them everything and i was unable to dent their jw imposed mind force field, while also exposing a clear jw misunderstanding of probability, evolution, history, logic/reason, and the big bang theory.. in a conversation i had with my mother a few weeks back (i also heard this rumor before, but my mother told me it again), she mentioned how the un held a summit of all religions and when the jws presented themselves and mentioned their preaching work warning of the coming un ban on religion (referring to an international organization who can't even prevent genocide, much less impose human rights), a un official came up to the jw who presented the cult and told him to "speed up the preaching work", because they plan on doing the ban soon.. it saddens me to think of how ignorant jws are in relation to the principles upon which the un was founded and being unaware that the un at least has some sense as to not ban religion, but this rumor, as ridiculous as it is, needs to be put at rest.
Holy isht! I have heard a variant of this story as well! A pioneer sister in Massacheezits (Natick area) was preaching in a well-to-do area and she happened to come upon the door of a high ranking U.N. official. When she preached her message the official got angry and said, "If only you knew what plans we have to deal with YOUR religion." and slammed the door shut.
I never knew there were so many variations to this story!
I second what steve2 said. Whatever you are going through, we wish you the best! People here have dealt with and are overcoming all kinds of personal horrors. There is strength in numbers. Feel free to get things off your chest here anytime. -
I was unkind & I am deeply sorry
by Dolosus inearly this morning, i was stopped at a service station dealing with a mechanical issue with my motorcycle.
i was approached by 2 young men who pro-offered some of your reading material.
i deeply regret that i was very unkind; in actual fact, i was quite mean in my response to them.
I once had a guy pull a shotgun on me while in service because they df'd his daughter and made her suicidal. He pointed it at my feet and told me to GTF off his property. I consider what he did a kindness because it really shook me up to the emotional grief this religion causes people.
JWs have thick skin and I'm sure they were quick to visualize the OP being blasted with burning hail for rejecting their message.
Beef Stroganof? Thanks for the great idea! That's what we'll have for dinner tonight.
United Nations Global Peace And Security Announcement September 2015 / Attack On Christians
by Timothex inthe united nations will shortly announce global peace and security.
this will result in the attack on the true religion [ jehovah's witnesses ] lead by pope francis and intern will bring armageddon / paradise.
please brothers and sisters share this information with everyone!
The only "attack" that has been performed on Jdubs recently is the Australian government going on the offensive to get them to stop protecting pedo's. Other than that, no one gives a flying kite what the JW organization does. -
Ray Franz was an Idiot
by vinman inray franz who gave us insight into the gb due to a crisis of conscience was an absolute moron, with absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever like all of us have.
i mean, to have a conscience based on some magic man in the sky.. how stupid can you be?
in search of christian freedom?
I didn't know Ray Franz, so I'm not in a position to say he was an idiot or a genius. All I know is he wrote in a humble way and he revealed many many things about the organization that can and were later verified to be true. He helped to pull the curtain on the old man in the wizard of oz - for that we should all be thankful.