What does the unwelcomed dawn represent?
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
The Teacher
by compound complex inan unwelcome dawn comes creeping upward, her tendrils straddling the dark mountain so terribly near my once sweet but now quaking refuge called home of the heart.. i peer through panes that give onto a landscape of horror that, to some, appears pristine but to me is a reminder that he has been swallowed up by a wood both black and cruel.. daring to venture forth, i hear his voice .
.. he calls out, so faintly, begging i rescue him from a jail that holds him fast against all escape; though myself a liberated man, i cannot free the one i taught the truth.
Does this ever happen to you?
by stillin innot very often, something will come up that makes me get a sense of having lost something.
maybe a television interview with a witness who does an exceptional job of explaining the kingdom preaching or something.
maybe accolades from the medical community for their stand on blood, how that has helped some other, supposedly superior alternative to be developed.. or maybe it's just a particularly poignant meeting.
There are tons of good people in the organization and i miss them dearly. it makes me cry sometimes all the friendships that i lost to be replaced with...not much. But there are so many effed up things that I can no longer condone, and they need to know that I no longer condone them.
The Christian God is Stupid
by berrygerry ini do not clearly understand mainstream christian ideology, but i think that wt is a variation thereof.. wt teaches that god made adam and eve perfect, but that another one of god's perfect creatures, tricked eve into disobedience, thereby condemning adam, eve, and all of their offspring into a life of misery as a result.
this is because satan out-thought god, and essentially cornered god into this "legal challenge" that god had never foreseen.. that, to me, is one stupid god..
If god is stupid, then perfect humans are stupid as well. Remember that PERFECT humans rebelled against god. PERFECT angels rebelled against god. Therefore this one sovereignty issue will solve nothing. As long as spirit creatures and humans exist, there will always be a faction of them that want more power and will challenge the existing authority. Any paradise built will inevitable be disrupted by rebellion. Those who never lived to know Satan or Adam will repeat their mistakes. -
No Independent Thinking - WTS' Commandment
by berrygerry inthis is one of the most moronic phrases of this high-control group.. if you search this term, you see the extreme importance of developing this skill to make it in life.. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22independent+thinking%22.
inevitably, wts rails against such harmful thinking.. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22independent+thinking%22#q=%22independent+thinking%22+site:jw.org.
the third search result (in my results) shows a bit of a misstep by the awake writer(s):.
Independent thinking is for the spiritually, mentally weak... dizzeezed. An independent thought can lead to - a new idea! Lordy, we don't want that! -
How can we be sure? Because the Benjamins keep flowing!! Fat stacks everywhere! New buildings! New headquarters! Colorful literature! Dynamic assemblies filled with state-of-the-art videos! A TV station! Unprecedented blessings friends! -
Hello world !
by Mrs. Eden inwell, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
Hope that covers it! Glad you joined us!
Done.....done done done....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i just found out that our disassociation was announced last night.
i'd like to take a moment to thank some people:.
Enjoy your life as free moral agents with nothing to fear or be guilted by. I envy you! -
Historical Meanings of Sheol & Hades
by Perry infor those of you interested in getting to the bottom of the watchtower's teaching on sheol, hades, condition of the dead etc.
; this information is about as good as it gets.
the idea of consciousness after death was widely accepted from israel's earliest times, contrary to what the watchtower would have its members believe.. the lexicographical evidence is so clear that the great princeton scholar, b. b. warfield; stated that with modern hebrew scholars, there is no hesitation to allow with all heartiness that israel from the beginning of its recorded history cherished the most settled conviction of the persistence of the soul in life after death.
Awesome! When I die it's not the end! If Armageddon doesn't kill me first, I get to rot in hell forever! I love your god Perry! Or, maybe I hit the jackpot by first being slaughtered at Armagedon AND THEN rotting in hell forever! I better run along to the nearest church and kiss the cross. BETTER YET, I need to go and join Perry's church for salvation and escape from damnation. -
Rebel With A Cause....
by The Rebel in" only the good die young".
or at least they remain eternally young and heroic particularly if they died for you.
the trouble is we can outgrow our hero worship and our opinions of that person can change.. this is what has happened to me with my childhood friend and my hero jesus.
Who is Bosani? LOL
My name is bonsai as in this:
Debating evolution, intelligent design and cosmology with a JW
by Thestumbler83 inive been having an email exchange with a jw family member and the discussion seem to have become a bit heated and im not quite sure why.
i dont think ive said anything obviously offensive and ive been very careful with my wording.
but i think im sometimes a bit tone deaf with these things.
Hello stumbler83. Trying to unplug someone from a cult at 60 can be very dangerous. Please tread carefully.