Vidqun, I have come to three conclusions about God in my experience (for what it's worth).
1) The sovereignty issue is moot because god unfairly intervened in human affairs when he toppled the tower of babel and divided up mankind with all these crazy languages that still divide humans and are the sources of miscommunication and wars today. You cannot reach a reliable hypothesis when you keep changing the controls and ground rules of the experiment.
2) If a god does exist he loves violence, death and suffering. The whole universe from a molecular level on up is filled with violence, death and the domination of one species over another to survive. Experience a killer tsunami near where you live and tell me there is a designer capable of love or justice. Then tell that to the relatives of the bloating bodies of those who drowned or were electrocuted on the coast.
3) Give me a pen, paper and a couple shrooms and I could write you a story more plausible, believable and cohesive than the sorry, delusional babble called Revelations. If Revelations is the best god can do to communicate the weighty future of mankind, then god needs to go back to primary school and then take a communications course at a local community college.