FB: Well that is only Jws on a world wide scale. When in war time, which other groups will never take up arms and fight, even on threat of death. Only Jws.
Imagine if all the major powers on earth took the stance that Watchtower did when maniacal monsters like Hitler and Tojo's gang started building empires and raping the world. How many millions-billions even - would have had to die because no one was there to stand up to them?
It was the Catholics, the Protestants, the atheists and agnostics alike who rose to the call to stand up against evil and take them down. How long would it have taken for god to step in and take them out? Last time I checked it's 2016. They would have had another 70 years to reek havoc and destruction because as of yet, still no god has shown up to deliver mankind from anything.
It's easy to go meekly to the gas chambers, to the prisons and to the labor camps because you are neutral to the plights of man. It's much harder to take a stand against evil and put a stop to it when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
What did Watchtower do? What have they ever done?