Hi I'm in exactly the same place as you are, .... this past few weeks have been explosive, so many revelations in my mind. so many emotions. fear, guilt, fear, guilt, lol, lots of confusion. what's, why's....... and I have been praying and meditating a lot lately. (directly to God) throwing my burden on him.
I haven't touched any publications or my bible for good few weeks before all this happened. but regular prayer.
First ... I have spent many, many hours just browsing around here, reading everything, looking thins up, reading the other sites that link up from here. It's like a trail that you follow.
I think it would help you to look at this from the perspective of - I know I'm not apostate, I know I believe in God etc. I know I am a good person, I know he drew me to him in the forst place, there must be some truth in all of it, It's such a huge thing, God, the Bible, Jesus, man, our history etc, so I will keep praying, asking for help and guidance through this process of enlightenment. It is still a spiritual journey, learning more about God etc.
I have made a wish list on amazon of all the books I will definitely get to read throughout this journey, and some books I may read. ( as I find these book recommendations from other peeps here I add them to the list straightaway )
We are used to studying and researching, we are just doing it through a different avenue, nothing wrong with it, we are told to check everything, as did the Bereans.
The amazing thing about the net is it is all there for you in an instant to find. No wonder org is against it. Knowledge is power.
I found a good site last night which gives answers on Bible etc. A lot of this process is still going to be trying to sift out the bits of truth from the false stuff.
Hope this helps in some way
Don't panic, relax, just study things as you go and when you find things that get your interest, then follow th trail. I'm getting a new study pad and looking at this as new project/study in same way as I used to before.