MY dear friend you are in the right place I too have gone thru some horrific stories about my so--called bro and sis .... they are just so dam son is in prison right now,, (he da himself 2 years ago and got into all kinds of trouble with the law....) but the crazything is I didn"t realize he was sick..... he suffers from paranoidschizophrenia so ,,,, that is a whole nother story..... but the elders did a similar thing when he was in the truth.... he stole some stuff from cars and instead of calling the police and getting it straightened out ... THEY SAID WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T GO TO THE POLICE.... SO HE PAID BACK WHAT HE STOLE AND THAT WAS IT,,, NO REPROVE OR ANYTHING.... WELL THEN IN DEC OF 2000 HE STEALS a car and so much more but hell the elders were no help at all,,, because at that time he was DA SO NO CONTACT WITH THIS EVIL PERSON GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR anyway nowthat he is in prison i go to see him all the time and they don't have a leg to stand on,,, because of the recent article in the KM about helping those sick that are df or HAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAAHHA JUST KEEP AWAY FROM ME YOU FILTHY VERMIN..... AND THEY LEAVE ME ALONE......FOR SURE THEY dont know what to do with me as i am a SORE ON THEIR BUTT CAUSE IWONT COOPERATE AT ALL WITH THEM ..... they are not GODS PEOPLE ,,,,, IF THEY ARE THEN I WILL BE THE ENEMY KEEP POSTING AND GLAD YOU ARE HERE
JoinedPosts by wildfire
my story
by nelly1 in.
well i tried to do this yest and i lost all of it, :( lot of typing lost, but oh well, i would welcome feedback from anyone who has been through similar things to me, i got the truth 13 yrs ago, and i never felt like i was wanted not really, i was with a man and had 3 kids with him when i came into contact with the witnesses, but he was a pedophile so i found out and had been doing things to our kids since they were born, i ditched him, he walked from 2 high court trials, and no one in my cong cared abt me, they didnt want to know.
said it was in my head, anyway, i struggled for years i hated going to conventions and being ignored by my own cong, it was just me and my daughter on our own all the time trying to serve jehovah, i didnt feel happy but i just wanted to please my god and i just tried my best, i always felt left out and i was never asked to do demos at the hall, its like they were just putting up with me, i was always pulled in for stupid things like the messages i put on my answerphone cuz some stupid stuck up old sister didnt like it.
Any Florida members?
by Reborn2002 ini know i have been absent from this board for some time.
i just was popping in to see how things were going.
i just completed my move to florida.
HI REBORN....... so does living there from 86---93 count???? I lived by Sarasota and I have fond memories of the gorgeous winter weather.....( I now live in the way North Tundra region and it sucks ) I too loved the cute little lizards crawling aroung the palm trees and the beachess oh i am sooooo jealous reborn i loveed the beaches i had my fav spot that i would go and contemplate the universe or just chill out hahahhhhaaaa......I was in a car accident there and my dad became very ill so I moved back North to be near him ( he died in 96) but,,the weather is the best just member in the summer it will BE VERY HUMID AND HOT ,,,, SOME TAKE AWHILE TO GET USED TO IT .... I KNOW IT FREAKED ME OUT AT FIRST ,,,, BUT hell drink a marquerita and think of us poor slobbbsss freezin our butts off the only thing i hate were the huge freakin cock roaches and yes even in the best of neighborhoods they found there way in watch out for the PALMETTOO BUGS THEY ARE HUGE AND THEY FLY ANYWAY HAVE FUN I am jealous cant you telll???????
Women Only, Please.
by Robdar inhas anybody on the forum ever had a hysterectomy?
i am getting one this winter.
i am scared shitless.
HI ROBYN.... I had a hysterectomy when i was 38 ,, i was having severe pain on my right side so i couldnt even work... (i was a waitress at the time and a single parent so i needed to work and get rid of the constant pain..) i found out I had an ovarian cyst....that was growing so my doc said I should get a partial one so i wouldnt start menopause right then so they took everything except my left ovary which was ok..... and I had a good friend come to my home to help with my little kids.....thank god for her .. it took me about a month to recouperate.... i am a slow healer...... but i wa s never put on any hormone replacement therapy... after that but i can tell you this its great not toooo have those periods...... for sure so i wish you the best
you know, you don't have to read this....
by nilfun inyou brought them in.
now try to pull them out.
you're making amends.
(((((((DEDE)))))))) and ((((((((NILFUN))))))) YOU two are such special lovely people...... your thoughts about horses and freedom and memories are sooooo great.... that is what make us special people ,,,, out of the control. of a mind---numbing cult.... Yes i do love to sing and it is my escape from all the stresses and anger that have been built up in me through out all my years under a control--freak husband and org...... I am so happy for you Dede to have a wonderful husband and kids .... that is something to never take for granted....but alas i was reading the post about your father... and my heart truely aches for you and so many others who are treated so poorly.. (from our own flesh and blood) take care of yourselves and know WILDFIRE ,,,, WILL TAKE US AWAY FROM ALL THE PAIN WE FEEL TODAY....BE FREE DEAR WILDFIRE.... SING THE SONG FOREVER STRONG..... DEAR WILDFIRE
you know, you don't have to read this....
by nilfun inyou brought them in.
now try to pull them out.
you're making amends.
HI THER E NILFUN:::: yes i do like the song wildfire,, always have... i used to sing with my ex... that was the best partof the marriage he played guitar (very well) and isang along to many songs do you remember my sweet lady by john denver....well believe it ...we sang that song at our reception..... and the funny thing i have a record player and i actually found an old john denver record with that song on it and other oldies.... i also like karen carpenter and i have one of her oldie records that i sing along tooo.... actually life with out singing to me may as well be death.... cause i love to sing...... it takes away some of the pain ,,, i have stored inside.... for so long ..... soheres to you my friend.... lets just sing the blues away hey hey
you know, you don't have to read this....
by nilfun inyou brought them in.
now try to pull them out.
you're making amends.
DEAR NILFUN.....this is wildfire here ,,,, I too find comfort in writing,,, I write poetry,,,, and short stories and I post here,,,, its great therapy for me... (even tho i see a shrink regularily) I do suffer from post traumatic stress syndrom... and severe depression.... I have had 2 abusive husbands,, mylast one claimed to be of the annointed at the ripe ole age of 23..... He used emotional black mail on me ,, he was a major manipulator,,,, but after 9 years I saw through the layers of deceit... and made my break,,, it was the best thing i ever did ,,,(I had 3 kids with him and he got ou t of paying child support for youngest is 16 and lives with me) So I tell my story,,, some of the pain goes with it,,,,,,some never leaves... but i know I have come to a safe place where i can tell my story without the threat of being df so keepposting and i will wish you all the best dear one
I am new
by madison149 ini've been reading this site for about 2 weeks.
the information and support here are great!
i'm trying to fade away from the jw's without having to da myself (because of my many jw family members).
GREETINGS MADISON........ its GREAT TO HAVE YOU ABOARD, I TOO am a newbie as of Oct 13, you can read my story in personal experiences under IAM A NEWBIE ,,NEED HELP I TELL a pretty horrific story,,,, being married to someone who claimes to be annointed.....for over 10yrs divorced for over 10 yrs now and still have one daughter in the trooth... its hard so very hard cause it s just her and me now... (I have 4 other children all grown who are not witnesses) but I too am doing the slow fade but the other day the elder calls wanting to come and visit me (i have a history of depression and bad backproblems from car accidents) and i just said i am too sick,,,, on new medication.. well it seemed to keeps the dogs at bay hahahah but the funny thing is when i do on occasion go toa meeting...... they never talk to me or even look me in the eye haahahha .....freakin cowards who would turn there own mother in..... for god knows what.... well anyway please dont stop coming here ,,, this is my refuge,,,,, everyone else has been shunning me i have no friends in the witless.... world they are all too good for me hahahaah ( actually I knowthey are not my true friends) so come back often and email me if you wish llllll bye
Elders admit huge numbers leaving
by mamashel in.
my daughters boyfriend was at his moms the other night and the elders just happened to stop by and talk with him.. anyhow, after their discussion about him and my daughter and the baby and what they are going to do, (havent been to meetings in 7 months mind you), her boyfriend told the elders that he no longer wanted to attend meetings and my daughter told them the same.. the elders admitted to them that there is a huge number of people that felt the same way, and the halls are much emptier than they ever were.. hmmm, i wonder why?.
WELL HI ALL I AM ONE OF THOSE LURKIN FOR A WHILE AND THEN READING ABOUT SO MANY ALL IN THE SAME PREDICAMENT....WELL it just made me brave,,,,, i suffer from depression.. and PTSS AND this place has been a life----saver to me... i am doing the slow drift,,,, i go to meetings sporadically and yes the dear elders are trying to save my trying to visit with me ... so far they have not succeeded but I will do this MY WAY THEY HAVE HAD ME FOR OVER 25 YRS.... they took 25 yrs of my life and i will fight going down..... can i get an AMEN BROTHERS HAHAHAH LOVE TO ALL YOU ARE MY TRUE FRIENDS..... THEY ARE ALL SHUNNING ME....BUT I COULD CARE LESS.. THEY ARE FALSE COMFORTERS LIKE JOB HAD ...... PEACE TO ALL
HI GARY nice you responded to my post,,,, you are quite the writer ,,, i dabble in it from time to time an d i write some intense poetry ,,,I have to have something to quiet the beast inside,,,I can understand your anger and frustration at the Society,, with your wifes situation..... how very wrong.......(sigh) we have our share of okies here also there is this one pioneer sister who must have her seat in the back room when field service starts or she stands in the hall way (much to the chagrin of the brother conducting the meeting its sooo dam funny and this same pioneer sister has a dog (stuffed) that she got from her kids...they are notin the trooth..she keeps it in her bedroom and there are rumors that it has casters on its feet and she walks it around her block.... well as you can see ndak has some real winners !!!!!! but as far as annointed people yes they are a peculiar bunch..... myex for example was a real nutcase......and now the sad thing his son (22) is in prison on trumped up charges... and he has paranoid schizophrenia...but the freeken elders leave me alone when it come s to visiting him....... they know he is sick..... even if he wasnt.. i would be there .... i am a fighter i think i will survive anyway nice to chat with you ,,, i am honored to know you thru your writings ....... great work.....
Bradenton,Sarasota FL/Yerington NV/Rifle, Co
by LFitzwater inmy name is laurie fitzwater (formerly gendreau).
i was raised in fl and lived in bradenton.
i know a lot of people from sarasota as well.
YES THE BELLS ARE GOING OFF KKKKK i remember a family named talarino wa s the dad an elder andi think he had a son who was a friend ofmy son ...... that was like in 92 that is too way cool ...... we moved to ndak in 93...... but yes i do member them