Active JW:s spending their time with the preaching work, are often aware of that their message does not comply with simple scientific facts. They know that evolution has taken place, that the timetable of the bible is not correct, and that most of the bibles content, are tales, that the original text has been rewritten, and rewritten, and misunderstood, and rewritten (except for a fragment P54, which is from 300 a.c.) Still they go out preaching, trying to find possible converts to the teaching of the GB.
Often they try to do as little as possible, one or two hours per month, talking to their children, or old parents. This to satisfy the elder who is responsible for the report list to the society.
But are these people not responsible for promulgate a lie . Are they not responsible for dragging people into a cult which could be very harmful, for all these proselytes and to their families?
Some of them can excuse themselves, by saying I did as little as possible, not to be shunned or destroy my family. Or maybe some of us can say I was loyal to my family and friends and in fact I believed a bit of it and I thought that maybe this was what god expected from me.
But when are you responsible to stand up and say loudly “The king is naked”. Many of the turnkeys in Nazi concentration camps, or is Stalins archipelagos, or I Maos prison, excused themselves with the word :I only did what I was ordered to do….
Where is the pivot point, when you cannot be excused personally, when are you just a coward, trying to be social with human fellows that don’t dare tell them the TTATT.