Their lapse is enduring rather than momentary and which lapse they do not acknowledge nor seek to correct in any way.
Yep, It's a cult!
watchtower study magazine of march 15th 2015study title: "loyally supporting christs brothers"paragraph 17. .
"the growing number of prospective sheep count it a privilege to support christs brothers not only in the preaching work but also in other practical ways.
for example, they give financial contributions and help to build kingdom halls, assembly halls, and branch facilities, and they loyally obey those appointed by the faithful and discreet slave to take the lead.matt.
Their lapse is enduring rather than momentary and which lapse they do not acknowledge nor seek to correct in any way.
Yep, It's a cult!
photo was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
BerryGerry, the sentiment on that embroidery is right on!
The sad thing is a lot of JWs would see it as a compliment not a condemnation.
Let's review: It's a cult!
jerry coyne has been in the news with the release of a new book "faith v fact".. you can read a review from the independent here.... "he argues that there is a direct and unavoidable conflict between faith and science.
both make truth claims about the universe.
but only science has the means to test, refute or refine its claims.
Cofty, thanks for sharing.
Some other important distinctions between science and religion (aka "faith") is that scientific knowledge is discovered and subject to peer review whereas religious beliefs are "revealed," usually only to a select individual or group and is most definitely NOT open for discussion or debate.
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
asensier, welcome. I'm sorry for your plight. Sadly, it's a very common one: a person just wants to be themselves, living their own life, but due to the Witness beliefs they are cast aside, shunned and abandoned.
What I'm struggling with is how I'm being disfellowshipped as 'an act of love.'
I understand your struggle and the emotions you are going through. Although the details of my story are different than your, the end result was the same: all of my JW friends and family cut me off, every single one. There are a great many here that have suffered as you are now.
Know this: Disfellowshipping is NOT an act of love. It just isn't.
It is an act of emotional violence committed with the intent to control. Primarily, it is to meant instill fear in the hearts and minds of those that remain in the congregation and by so doing control them. It also has the secondary motive of possibly breaking your spirit and forcing you to return to your abusers (the congregation) humiliated, docile and easy to control.
I feel completely abandoned. My boyfriend, despite his misconceptions about the religion, has been the only person to give me full support.
I do know how you feel. When I was disfellowshipped six years ago I too felt abandoned. Fortunately, you have not been completely abandoned. Your boyfriend is still with you and loves you.
You are very young and your relationship with him may or may not last, but he is with you now. Draw on his love and support to become your own person.
What you will have to do over the next weeks, months and years is hard to do, very hard. You will go through a process very much like grieving. It hurts like hell, but in the end you will be a stronger person for it. It does get better though.
Welcome to the rest of your life.
after seeing so many topics about the stupidity of the gb, just got me wondering, anyone know the secular education levels of the gb?
are they high school level religious zealots or are they college educated manipulators?
Data-dog: I believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.
They believe things that are demonstrably untrue and/or in clear contradiction with reality. This is the definition of a delusion, which is typically a symptom of mental disorder.
They think Satan and "this system of things" is out to get them, thereby exhibiting signs of paranoia.
Although they can appear superficially normal and even charming at times, they are nonetheless completely lacking in normal human compassion and empathy; apparently have no consciences as evidenced by their ongoing, utter failure to admit to ever being wrong about anything nor ever showing any guilt or remorse; they show total disregard for the untold pain and suffering they have caused to countless millions of people; are routinely and oft times brutally calculating and manipulative of their followers seeking their own selfish gain and desires, all the while simultaneously believing they are special and deserve more and better things than everyone around them. These traits are the classic characteristics of a life-long psychopath.
So there you have it: the Governing Body members are paranoid, delusional psychopaths and they are the leaders of a well-established religion with substantial numbers of followers Earthwide.
The implications of this are obviously very serious. Anyone that tries to imitate them will inevitably end up mimicking these same antisocial personality disorders. Sound like anyone you know? You maybe?
Induced delusional disorder (or shared paranoid disorder), also known as folie à deux, is a fairly uncommon disturbance characterized by the presence of similar psychotic symptoms in two or more individuals.According to Phillip W. Long, MD, the dominant person (in this case: the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses) in the relationship has a delusional disorder and
convinces the nondominant person (the Rank & File Witnesses) to adopt his delusional beliefs. Needless to say, that's pretty messed up.
The bad news is that induced paranoia and delusions are very
resistant to treatment. And of course a person can't even begin to get
help unless they admit there's a problem.
There is some potential good news however: the nondominant person can usually overcome the delusions and regain their mental health once separated from the psychotic dominant person or in this case the Jehovah's Witness religion and the influence of its leadership.
Let's review: It's a cult!
BTW, there is no meaningful correlation between mental illness and education or the lack thereof.
BTW, -
a man looks into the mirror and considers the image that is reflected.
he sees a model of physical fitness, good looks, competence and popularity.
he smiles at the positive image that he perceives.
i noticed that anthony morris iii just said on the broadcast: "while we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization.".
that, in my opinion, is a direct response to the richard ashe "spiritual protection not physical protection" deposition.. here's a video putting the two statements side by side..
NG: I would say that the environment is being made extremely difficult for any pedophile to “thrive” in a congregation these days.
That's good where that is happening, but it still doesn't change the fact that the GB has NOT publicly acknowledged the problem WITHIN the congregation and the elders are still NOT mandated reporters.
Get the clue! .
check this story out and please share on social media!
i firmly believe 100% of jw's are suffering from the first stage of rts and a high percentage of people who are now out are also suffering.
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
SimonSays, if you really believe that Jehovah would use fools like Stephen Lett or Anthony Morris to lead his people, then you deserve whatever you get!