They will have to make certain changes, which they will proudly announce as "New Light" as if they came up with it themselves.
The really need to get rid of the "Two Witness Rule" in relation to allegations of the abuse of minors. It's actually wouldn't be hard since the majority of JWs would accept any Nu-Belief that GB comes up with. But I think that even the GB members are convinced that "it's from Jehovah" and we have to follow it. When they lose enough money, they'll find a way to justify that that too "is from Jehovah" and they'll lose it.
Additionally, they need to instruct all elders to be mandated reports even when it's not required by law. I doubt they'll ever do that, but it is what should happen. Hell, even Dr. Monica Applewhite advocated that.
Also, they need to quit requiring that victims of sexual abuse face or confront their abusers. Again, I don't see how they'll justify it scripturally because it does come from their ever precious "book," but this policy, practice and procedure also needs to go.
The irony will be that if the WTBTS makes any of these changes it will be because they were forced to by secular authorities and upon the advice of a Catholic woman. Of course they'll still claim it was "New Light from Jehovah" and his alleged Holy Spirit.
If they GB told the average JW to eat a shit sandwich, they'd gladly do it with a smile!