JoinedPosts by Oubliette
where there was a conflict between the Bible and science, the Bible would prevail, because all scripture is "inspired by God"
by freemindfade inthought i would put this in its own thread.
it another embarrassing statement from the rc (royal commission not regional convention lol).
it's not even one about abuse, its about the jw's stance on science and the bible.
Sweeney, thanks! -
where there was a conflict between the Bible and science, the Bible would prevail, because all scripture is "inspired by God"
by freemindfade inthought i would put this in its own thread.
it another embarrassing statement from the rc (royal commission not regional convention lol).
it's not even one about abuse, its about the jw's stance on science and the bible.
Can someone clarify?
Who is Mr. Spinks?
What day of transcripts is this from?
Thanks in advance.
Shameless lies of the head of Australian Betel just to protect the GB
by paradisebeauty inwatching the royal commission videos from day 6.. the head of the australian branch is such a liar.
he keeps saying they have the right to make decisions and regulations if they are in accordance with the scriptures, but we all know this is such a lie!!!!.
he is just trying to protect the gb members from bring forced to testify!!
They do have that right. And the governments have the right to prosecute them for exercising their right to make decisions which break the government's laws.
JW's just see it as "persecution for righteousness's sake." Whatever.
To any reasonable person, it is clear that WT "policies, practices and procedures" are woefully lacking in righteousness. They protect pedophiles and needlessly cause additional pain and suffering to their victims.
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
A: The most gullible people on Earth.
Q: Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?
Royal Commission - Clarification of 1,006 unreported abusers
by Listener inknowing that many here like to relate information as accurately as possible i just wanted to make a clarification regarding the unreported abusers in the australian jw religion.. it is not correct for us to state that there are 1,006 cases of unreported abusers in australia since 1950. .
this is what the commission has reported in the opening address .
those documents include 1,006 case files relating to allegations of child sexual abuse made against members of the jehovahs witness church in australia since 1950 each file for a different alleged perpetrator of child sexual abuse.
A couple of important points to keep in mind, the majority of sexual abusers do not limit themselves to a single victim. Dr. Monica Applewhite acknowledged that in her testimony. Also, it is likely that there are abusers whom the WT Australia Branch is unaware. This means that the 1,006 known abusers represent a much larger number of victims. How many, it is impossible to know.
Let's extrapolate this to the Worldwide Work, shall we?
There were 66,484 publishers in Australia last year and 7,867,958 average publishers total (source: 2015 Yearbook).
A little quick math suggests that there likely has been more than 100,000 abusers in the organization over the last half century. This suggests that there has been many hundreds of victims of their abuse, possibly in the millions!
Obviously, this mental exercise involves a certain amount of conjecture and speculation, but I don't believe there is any valid reason to believe the problem in Australia is unique or significantly different to any other area or culture. Are Australians more depraved than other people? Nothing suggests this. On the contrary, that the Australian government is leading the way in addressing it suggests the opposite if anything.
Also, I have not made any attempts to adjust for various growth rates of the religion throughout the world over the last 50 years. But I don't think that is important or necessary to understand the point.
What is important is to allow the significance of the known facts to really sink in. Take some time with this and ponder what it really says about this religion, particularly in light of its history of pointing their finger at other religions meanwhile denying their own moral failing. Really consider the magnitude of this problem.
Then, let's review: It's not just a cult, it is one of the worst, most damaging and destructive religious cults in the history of mankind!
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
cappytan: Atheist vs. Agnostic is like arguing Scotch vs. Bourbon. They both develop differently and in the end, get the job done.
Stephen Colbert: Sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.
Royal Commission - Clarification of 1,006 unreported abusers
by Listener inknowing that many here like to relate information as accurately as possible i just wanted to make a clarification regarding the unreported abusers in the australian jw religion.. it is not correct for us to state that there are 1,006 cases of unreported abusers in australia since 1950. .
this is what the commission has reported in the opening address .
those documents include 1,006 case files relating to allegations of child sexual abuse made against members of the jehovahs witness church in australia since 1950 each file for a different alleged perpetrator of child sexual abuse.
Accuracy is indeed important.
It is accurate to say that all of the 1,006 cases of which the Australia Branch and every elder involved knew about, not one was reported to the authorities by any elder or representative of the WTBTS. Not one of over 1,000 over a 50 year period.
This is a stunning failure.
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
When the WTS saw Catholic Church abuse being exposed
by Simon inthere was a time when the abuse issues in the catholic church were first starting to be exposed.. now, they were fully aware that they had the exact same issues that they too were covering up.. what did they choose to do?.
they could have "learnt" and said "man, that looks bad and we know we have the same problem - but at least we can learn something and put processes in place to make sure we clean up our act".. they could have done nothing themselves but refrained from criticized the catholic church knowing that they had the same skeletons in their own closet.. what did they actually do?.
they wen't full guns criticizing the catholics for something they knew they were completely guilty of as well, painting themselves as 'the good guys where this sort of thing would never happen' but the only processes they put in place were to tighten up how cover-ups were managed and to make sure the local elders knew how to silence any incidents.
Good points in the OP.
I remember back in the '80s when the Catholic Church thing was just coming out, all of us JWs would point at what was happening as "proof" that the RCC was "false religion" and weren't we glad to be part of a "clean organization" without such problems.
Well now we all know better.
... and keep fighting
by nevaagain inlast week we had the cos visit and i wanted to share my experiences with you.
some background info on me, i knowttatt and am fully awake, my wife also knows my doubts and read a few things on the internet but she is still 100% commited to the truth, saying everything on the apostate sites are lies.
so right now i am in just to keep the status quo.
the substitute CO brought the topic about child abuse in Australia up
Well that's curious. He'll never make regular CO acting like that!
Now the real CO tried to shoot it down, saying that the elders would never tell the parents not to go to the
police and the allegations have no claim.Damage control. And yet, instead of not discouraging people from going to the authorities, the elders should be reporting it themselves.