There would have to be a god for him/her/it to give a proverbial "damn."
The evidence in favor of such a deity is conspicuously absent.
2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
There would have to be a god for him/her/it to give a proverbial "damn."
The evidence in favor of such a deity is conspicuously absent.
in order to understand what is happening you have to start from the beginning of our saga.
about nine years ago a elder with asperger's syndrome found out my family member almost came to blows with our next door neighbor who is so successful, he probably makes $2 million a year net-income with all his businesses and investments.
the co-owner of the property got angry because our neighbor did not like certain breeds of dogs, the fact was he was mauled by the breed elder bucket-head owned and elder bucket-head refused to fix the fence and so his dog would continually show up on my neighbors front door harassing his little dogs and growl.. elder asperger's heard my dad and his friend talking about uncle bucket-head's near blows even though they were whisphering at book study, his ears are good when it comes to seeking out sin and finding ways to bring brothers before the elders.
ROH, you're obviously in a bad situation. We feel for you, but your posts are almost impossible to read. Every sentence is a nearly incoherent rambling rant.
The way you write makes it too difficult to follow. Also, you are posting way to many details.
What do you hope to accomplish by posting here? Do you want sympathy? Advice? Just a place to rant?
Why don't you just leave this religion? Seek legal redress where possible and appropriate and just move on from the rest?
By the way, in case you don't know: JW elders have no authority over you unless you let them!
Let's review: It's a cult!
from reddit:.
now after 21 years in professional psychology/humanities, i love talking to brothers that adopt a slow pace in speech, and low tone of voice when they deal with the rank and cold un-associated ones.
my mirroring their present state in personality seems to psych them out for a bit.
i then tap into my fast injection of logical sense, that throws them off.
Isn't it just easier to not talk to them at all?
Or to put it positively: It is easier to simply not talk to elders.
Great short video. Thanks for sharing.
I too read The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
Sacks had a wonderful way of telling these odd stories of people with unusual brain maladies. He could take medical issues and relate them in layman's terms with clarity and compassion.
hello friends!today is a sad day for me, as seven months have gone by since my mother passed away after a decades-long fight with breast cancer..
because the witnessing/preaching/teaching work doesn't make any sense to me anymore; because it's not about any "truth"; and because it's basically useless, i've decided to quit doing it.
instead, i've decided to do something that actually can make a real difference in other people's lives.
Mrs. Eden: Today I went to the hospital where my mother passed away and enrolled in their volunteer program
Good for you! And good for the people you'll help too.
My wife and I got involved in a program that helps feed the needs. A few times a year we make some food and take it down to the local church and serve our less fortunate fellow humans.
It is so nice to do something that makes an actual, real difference in peoples' lives. True, it's only a small difference, but it is a difference and it is tangible, not something useless like a Watchtower magazine filled with lies and false hopes.
ok heres latest at kh .i have a friend of mine who is df but trying to get reinstated i know you may ask why but its a free country anyway he is a frienldly chap and likes to say hello to old friends.
he does his hellos very discreetly not makeing a scene.
well the elders have noticed him saying hello to people at hall so they invited him in back room.
poopie: He doesnt care about reinstatment he cares about showing love.
Maybe, but the elders don't care about "showing love," they care about CONTROL and OBEDIENCE.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
They're very proud of their pretty blue sign:
today is the day.. i was baptized as one of jehovah's witnesses on march 25th 1989.disfellowshipped for admitted apostasy today, september 10th 2015.. what an amazing story we all share.
how did we get involved with this group and think this was the best way of life?.
i asked my wife to stay home from the meeting tonight and spend the evening with me.she is.... we celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this past monday.. i must admit, i never saw any of this coming, but it couldn't have come sooner.i'm free of all the fake friendships.