GAA = Need more money!
Oh, and take off those tight pants, ... er, that didn't come out right!
these boes just arrived!.
.. re: global assistance arrangement for the 2016 service year .
GAA = Need more money!
Oh, and take off those tight pants, ... er, that didn't come out right!
had to share.
kudos to the photoshop artist!
well done and very, ehem, insightful : - ))).
Too funny!
I hope the Malignant 7 get to see it.
witnesses on facebook are salivating over this atlanta-journal constitution newspaper article..
"Asia, East Africa, and the Middle East."
Significant. Troubling. But not "global."
JWs see the world through the tainted lenses of shit-colored glasses.
Let's review: It's a cult!
which parts of the publications are the innacurate words of 'just imperfect men', and which parts are the inerrant words from the mouthpiece of jehovah on earth?.
how can you trust that you are being given correct information?
the governing body.
Great question Punk.
Of course no JW will touch this with someone else's 10 foot pole because the obvious answer will get everyone DF'd!
Let's review: It's a cult!
i heard that co's were provided with a talk outline in which people who dress and act too "gay" could eventually "no longer qualify to share in the ministry", should they not change the way they look!.
has anyone else ever heard of any other reason for which someone would be disqualified from the ministry?.
How gay is "too gay"?
Who determines?
This is just sofa king stew pit!
Let's review: It's a cult!
i'll start off with this one:.
some years ago when i was formulating my exit, i employed for some time an ms brother from another congregation.. i'd had a couple of young "worldly" lads work for me but they proved unreliable as they used drugs or alchohol and consequently would'nt arrive at work and such like.. so when i was was contacted by this brother and spoke to him and heard he'd worked at the australian bethel for some time on construction and wanted an opportunity to learn the trade of bricklaying ,i thought ,"great someone to finally trust and be reliable".
he was in his 40's at the time and he worked like a trojan ,was honest ,really likeable and interesting ,could play the classical guitar beautifully ,had a beautiful family.
Generally, I'd like to hear of everyone leaving this fucking cult.
But in particular, I really wish my two adult children would smarten up and realize that they are in a sham of a religion that only takes and never gives anything but empty promises and deceptions.
Everyone else can stay in it for all I care. Honestly, at some point we all have to face the fact that any adult without severe cognitive deficiencies that has been in this religion more than a few years and still can't see that it is nothing but lies and hypocrisy deserves whatever they get.
a really great example of wt pulling doctrine out of their heiney that nowhere exists in the scriptures!
when i started waking up to ttatt, i remember in my own reading the tons of scriptures that speak of god, the holy spirit, etc teaching directly.
tons of scriptures that go against the wt doctrine of only able to learn through them.
Please quit trying to make sense out of nonsense.
The Bible is a collection of internally incoherent beliefs and contradictory teachings.
how many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
It was all me. In fact, for many years I thought I was the only JW that noticed all of the problems with the religion: the inconsistencies, the factual errors, hypocrisy of elders, the lack of any real academic rigor or integrity in their "theology," etc. The list is long.
It seems funny now to think that I was the only one, but we all know how well the cult mindset and authoritarian control effectively insulates everyone from everyone else. There is no way that full-indoctrinated cult members can ever have a real, authentic relationship with another cult member.
Finally it got to be too much and I started doing some investigating online. When I found out about the UN/NGO scandal that was it. I knew I was in a cult. I tried to talk to my wife; she wouldn't hear it.
It took about six or seven years before I finally figured out how to leave: you just leave. But it had tremendous personal cost.
My two young adult children that I raised in this fucking cult no longer talk to me. The reason: I no longer pretend to believe in the ridiculous religion.
Let's review: It's a cult!
researchers in york used magnetic stimulation to target an area of the brain called the medial frontal cortex in a group of volunteers.
a control group received a sham treatment.. both groups were asked to think about death.
the group who experienced the magnetic energy reported 32.8% less belief in angels, god and heaven.. when faced with difficult challenges people often take refuge in ideology.
i was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the governing body's approach to the flock.
obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking..
abusers use a variety of tactics to manipulate you and exert their power:.
Being in this religion is being in a codependent relationship. No question.