STA, thank you for your sincere and thoughtful post.
I've been thinking about this myself.
It seems that many here feel that you can't disagree without it becoming a personal issue. I have enjoyed many excellent discussions on this forum where people are free to express their differing viewpoints with respect and are respected in return.
I have also experienced the exact opposite. Unfortunately there are quite a few members of this forum that respond to any questioning, disagreement or criticism of WHAT they post with PERSONAL attacks of the person that dared express a differing point of view. Just the other day I was blasted by one poster simply because I found his OP unclear and I asked for clarification.
Some of the attacks I've seen here are quite vicious in nature. I can't help but make the comparison to the kind of toxic, unhealthy, abusive relationships that I deliberately left behind when I severed ties with certain family members (not JWs) and also left this religion.
We don't need that here!
Great OP. Thanks for starting this thread,