Milie: it was Pope Francis that said ["guardians of the doctrine"] first last year in a speech.
It's funny, the WT leaders pretend to hate the Catholic church, but they keep copying them!
not only does he say it would be arrogant of him to state only he and his group are the only channel of communication from god but goes on to admit others maybe as well.
Milie: it was Pope Francis that said ["guardians of the doctrine"] first last year in a speech.
It's funny, the WT leaders pretend to hate the Catholic church, but they keep copying them!
do you ever wonder why out of all the witnesses, you are the one that woke up?
i wonder many times why me.
i know many men and women that are much, much better persons than me; either they are much smarter, more humble, kinder, more successful, or just better persons all around.
John Aquila: So why did I wake up?
This is a great question, and one that is not so easily answered.
It's obviously not about intellect alone or any other solitary personality trait.
It does however seem to be linked in all cases to these two traits:
It takes a certain kind of personal strength to leave a cult. This does not mean that we are "better" per se than those that remain. Indeed, we often come out scarred or even broken, but in the end we overcome and do get better, or at least we become better than who and what we once were.
It's not a competition. It's an opportunity for personal growth.
John Aquila: This is what makes it hard for me to believe that God is a good person.
If there is a God--that is some sort of superior being that was involved in creation--it most certainly isn't anything like the "god" of the bible. The creature is a messed-up reflection of human frailties and shortcomings in intellect, emotional maturity and just plain balance.
it's amazing how ones shun former witnesses or faders.
a couple of people said high to me that know i do not go but the rest no.
but the main reason i post is how ridiculous the funeral talk was.
TOH: The JW funerals I have attended have been 90 % good. The non-JW funerals have been mostly bad
ALL JW funerals are promotional sales pitches for the religion! ALL OF THEM. 100%.
even though i'm no longer mentally a jw (i still technically am) i do recognize that there are some benefits to being raised one.
for example, the first (and only so far) wordly guy i was involved with had to smoke weed every day and got drunk all the time and that was his idea of fun.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him.
Sure, there are lots of good people "out there."
In my experience, there are a much higher percentage of "good people" that are not JWs than in the religion.
Multiply that by 300, the ratio of non-JWs to JWs, and you come to realize that there are literally billions and billions of "good people out there"
Now get out there and find a few!
via /r/exjw.
There is an "urgent need for Kingdom Halls throughout the United States."
They don't need to build them, they need to sell them!
so we have the english convention this week.
a bunch of families whom i know but have not seen in a few years are attending.
they are not assigned but got a group together to visit the city and attend a day or two of the convention.
JA: Not one of them knew what was going on with the Royal Commission.
This is typical.
JWs lives are extremely insulated from reality.
That's part of what Steven Hassan terms the BITE model of cult mind-control. It's important to keep people from accessing alternative sources of information (The "I" in BITE).
Your story proves its effectiveness. Very sad.
Let's review: It's a cult!
so last night i got to have some more fun at the meeting.. the serve us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "these words must be on your heart" video.. question three was, "what scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?
" then before any answers the conductor had deut.
6:6,7 read.
FayeDunaway: 'OFS doesn't ACT too zealous, the way he lives, but he sure gives strong comments!'
That's the strange thing about indoctrination. To a kool-aid drinking J-dub, OFS's comment would seem like he's endorsing the party line when in fact it is the exact opposite.
Let's review: It's a cult!
so last night i got to have some more fun at the meeting.. the serve us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "these words must be on your heart" video.. question three was, "what scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?
" then before any answers the conductor had deut.
6:6,7 read.
OFS, Steven Hassan would be proud, but he'd wonder why you are still there!?!
Stuck, ah yes, the June 22, 2000 Awake! A brilliantly ironic piece of propaganda itself. Consider this little gem:
"Certainly, the handiest trick of the propagandist is the use of outright lies." - g00, 6/22, p. 6
via /r/exjw.