You got that right.
If ignorance is bliss, then the average JW must be in constant ecstasy! that most jws don't know anything about the financial news that is happening right now.
sure it has trickled down to the elders and those who volunteer for construction but the average jw has no idea.
no one in my hall has said a thing about it.
You got that right.
If ignorance is bliss, then the average JW must be in constant ecstasy!
DD: I can't think of any water baptisms mentioned after Jesus' baptism.
Ethiopian eunuch. - Acts 8:36, 38:
o.k i`ve just been watching the demonstration for the new meeting format & have fell about laughing.
is this some kind of joke.
did anyone find it totally ironic that they are using a mag on honesty, honestly are they f...king off their heads.
Sabin: Please tell me you picked up on this to!
Yeah, quite a few have commented on the irony in other threads.
The level of hypocrisy shown time and again by the bastards running this cult is just completely unbelievable.
They make the Pharisees of the Bible look like amateurs.
Let's review: It's a cult!
there will be three presentations during the new christian life & ministry meeting.
they will be presented by two people and the gb has made specific instructions as to who can be involved in these presentations.
in all 3 presentations the same explicit instruction is given which is as follows -.
The reason for this is that the morons running this show are stupid. Every time they try to "fix" one problem, they create two or three more.
Oh, and let's not forget they're control freaks. They are clueless control freaks without any intelligence, creativity or imagination.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
Ding: I wasn't referring to an analysis of readability. I was asking if anyone has done a substantive analysis regarding changes in doctrine, changes in emphasis, etc.
I'll leave that laborious task to someone else. I do know that 607 B.C.E. is still in there.
Keep in mind that the current GB don't have an original idea amongst them. It's pretty clear that all of the current changes--which are 100% form and zero content--are coming from outside sources. Everything has the fingerprints of marketing consultants all over it.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
That's funny Village Idiot!
You probably know this but, I'm not aiming for the general public. I aim is a little higher! ... lol
in the first sample video of the clam meeting (christian life and ministry) at about 5 minutes, 50 seconds in, a brother (steven phillips) is assigned the first segment of the new meeting, "treasures from god's word.
" ( ).
he shows just how sloppy the wts still is at trying to explain the deeper meanings of scriptures.
Brass instruments are the loudest instruments in an orchestra. Blaring is often the accurate word!
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
TOH: It's not the "old" TEACH book, oubliette - it's still the one to use.
I know. Apparently you haven't read all of my posts on this thread.
TOH: The new book is for those with limited capacity, and therefore it is no wonder it is written the way it is written.
I know. Apparently you haven't read all of my posts on this thread.
TOH: I don't see how you can critisize [sic] a book for those with learning difficulties to be written in a not-too-academic way.
I know. Apparently you haven't read all of my posts on this thread. Please see my response to Barrold at the top of page 2 of this thread.
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
Ding: Has anyone done a comparative analysis of the previous version and this one? Changes, etc.?
Yes. As I have said several times on this thread, I previously analyzed the old Bible Teach book using the same software based analytical tools. It only scored one grade level higher.
Please see my response to Barrold at the top of page 2 of this thread.