How in the world can you hide the sun with one finger?
By closing your eyes.
just had the co visit tonight.
i asked him if he had heard about the worldwide halt of construction besides warwick and to my surprise he said he heard the same thing.
then he went on and add that also some branches are closing and some bethelites going into pioneering but, "all because of the preaching work now.
How in the world can you hide the sun with one finger?
By closing your eyes.
i have published a new article at watchtower corporal punishment, as a response to the testimony that geoff jackson gave at the royal commission.
it includes the relevant part of the transcript, along with a string of watchtower quotes to show that what he presented was not accurate, and that watchtower translates rod as a literal implement to hit children with.
Geoff Jackson gave inaccurate, misleading testimony before a Royal Commission while under oath?
How is this possible?
1. the life and ministry meeting will proceed as outlined in the life and ministry meeting workbookand according to the instructions that follow.. 3. treasures from gods word:.
the theme and an outline of two or three main points are provided in thelife and ministry meeting workbook.
this should be assigned to a qualified elder.. 6. concluding comments: 3 minutes or less.
my parents were always of the belief that, "the end is right around the corner".. i was a zealous kid, with a learning disorder, so my parents never gave me a hard time or pushed me in regards to my education.. this not only hurt me, but, pissed me off insanely.
fast forward to me having my own kid.
ava is not doing well in school.
cognac: It breaks my heart seeing her struggle...
Don't let it. The struggle is good for her.
Nothing great was ever achieved without great effort.
my parents were always of the belief that, "the end is right around the corner".. i was a zealous kid, with a learning disorder, so my parents never gave me a hard time or pushed me in regards to my education.. this not only hurt me, but, pissed me off insanely.
fast forward to me having my own kid.
ava is not doing well in school.
cognac, kids have different aptitudes and rates of learning.
Tutoring is usually a good idea if a child is not able to keep up with the school work and/or is struggling with certain concepts (assuming of course the tutor is qualified).
Schools generally will NOT recommend tutoring, even when warranted, because doing so may legally obligate them to pay for it.
In reference to your mom, we have over a century of evidence conclusively proving that "the end is NOT right around the corner."
Your mom needs a tutor, on how to think!
none of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
so i called a few jwdubs that still talk to me, not to try to convince them of anything or wake them up but to try to get a feedback on how they took the big meeting change and other announcements.
generally speaking, all the ones i talked to were not even fazed by the changes.
many of them still didnt even realize the meeting format had changed and thought the layoffs were a normal thing that happens all the time.
Magnum: In contrast, we have seen over 100 years of failed predictions, outlandish teachings, etc. What we have seen is sort of like Moses getting the Israelites backed up to the Red Sea, holding up his staff, and nothing happening.
Moses, "But the water is going to part soon, really soon!"
this video deal with some really important information that i wanted to share with you all, looks like it may have hit a nerve in the watchtower, because the stock link he mentioned in the video has been taken down, it was up yesterday, he says he plays chess and anticipated they would do that, so he supplied a secondary link to the same information.
the entire 8 part series is very informative exposing alot about watchtower doctrine, and hidden elements.
here is the link to the video..
JeffT: So what we have here is some rich lady who set up a trust fund, which is directed to make money for the WTBS, an operation over which the WTBS has no control.
Jeff, great clarifications, but I disagree on one important point: although the WTBTS cannot control the particular investments, the could choose not at accept money from sources that clearly conflict with their oft publicly stated moral imperatives.
we've just had our sunday meeting and the letter was read out to the congregation.. however, there was no mention of the bethel lay-offs or the building program shut-downs.. looks like we are on a need to know basis, here in australia..
Truthexplorer: I just said wow, perhaps we are closer to the end than we think!!
Yeah, the end of believing in this cult!
we've just had our sunday meeting and the letter was read out to the congregation.. however, there was no mention of the bethel lay-offs or the building program shut-downs.. looks like we are on a need to know basis, here in australia..