Thanks, Azor.
I know that often I need to spend some time thinking about things before they make sense to me.
Although I've been trained as a scientist for most of my life, it's only in the last few years as an educator that I've really thought deeply about what it means to think this way. It has made a huge difference for me that I spend a great deal of time teaching these concepts to young adults. I have to be very clear in how I use language and how I explain things.
A few more thoughts on your previous comments that may help clarify it for any that are still not getting it:
It is as appropriate to say, "I am pro-science," as it is to say, "I am anti-religion."
Or similarly, "I am in favor of education and evidence-based knowledge and opposed to old wives' tales, superstition and myth."
Sometimes we just need to spend some time with things and let them come together in our mind. Unfortunately, this is very antithetical to how we were indoctrinated to "think" while in the JW cult.