Your most serious posting about your schedule and activities in the field ministry and your constant devotion to Watchtower publications, and the study thereof, is most impressive. In fact, as I first read it, I keep looking for the 'punchline' at the end - but there wasn't one. So, I can only assume you are completely serious.
Now, I would not want to stumble you, since you believe that "Your Light is Jehovah", as I can tell from your user name choice. But mine (Joseph) means "HE shall Add" and that I always strive to do. Add some truth, that is, as our fearless leaders at the WTBS have not been prone to do. Ever. Please feel free to read my other postings and decide if I am meeting that goal.
So, I appreciate the sincerity of your comment and your dedication to our Creator. I just hope that you don't get your dedication to our Creator mixed up with your dedication to an organization of fallible men who claim to speak for him and claim to be especially enlightened by our wonderful Creator. They are not necessarily one and the same, my friend.
As Jehovah himself said,"When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, THAT IS THE WORD THAT JEHOVAH DID NOT SPEAK. [emphasis mine] With presumptousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him." (Deut. 18:22)
Check out the WTBS prophecies that have been written over time, and tell me if any of them have actually come true. (And, I don't mean symbolically.) I challenge you to post here a single prophecy uttered by the WTBS between 1879 and 2002 that has come true. I really mean it. Now, you may have to look beyond the WTBS publications to find the answers, and I encourage you to do so. I can wait...
More than that, my friend, I encourage you to prove to us that the date 607 BCE, which the society uses in all of its publications and in its prophetic calculations about the importance of 1914, is a valid date for the destruction of Jerusalem, as they emphatically state. Please prove that to me. Please find one shred of proof (historic evidence) outside of the writings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that this date is valid. I challenge you to do this, and post your results for the rest of us to see. Again, it must not be a WTBS publication as the source, as most are skeptical of the 'making of many books...wearisome to the flesh'.
Last but not least, my friend, keep in mind that you are not the only one who goes out in field service, or prepares for the WT study, or who prepares parts for the meetings, and then delivers them as perfectly as possible to encourage others in the congregation, and who takes care of other members of the congregation. That is, your brothers and sisters in need. Don't think that because one of your brothers thinks that field service is ridiculous that you are morally and spiritually superior by your works, and can judge your brother. Do you not recall the scriptures about judging your brothers (and sisters)?
When you slam me and others and call us "dunderheads" and "slackers", and assume the worst about us, and then puff yourself up to be the 'theocractic wunderkind of the world", you end up making the opposite impression, and you remind us of the constant hypocrisy that is rampant in God's "so-called organization".
Keep in mind these verses of the Christian Greek Scriptures, by Jesus' apostles. They might be more important to study than your next WT lesson, my friend:
1. "Dearly loved friends, don't always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God; test it first to see if it really is." 1John 4:1, The Living Bible
2. "By this underdeserved kindness, indeed you have been saved through faith; AND IT IS NOT OWING TO YOU, it is God's gift. No, IT IS NOT OWING TO WORKS, IN ORDER THAT NO MAN SHOULD HAVE GROUND FOR BOASTING. [emph. mine]" Eph. 2:8,9
3. "We are not dictators over your faith, but are fellow workers with you for your happiness." 2 Cor 1:24, Jerusalem Bible
and best of all, this one:
4. "We have set our faces against the shameful secret practices, we use no clever tricks, no dishonest manipulation of the Word of God. We speak the plain truth and so commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God." 2 Cor. 4:2 Phillips Modern English Trans.
May your study of God's word teach you about the true source of Christian freedom. It is not found in endless discourses, or in books, or in worn shoe leather, but in the heart.