OUCH ! That must a hurt dude !!
Posts by KGB
Boy 'Pregnant' With His Own Twin Brother
by Pleasuredome inboy 'pregnant' with his .
own twin brother.
by barbara davies.
U.S. Receives Excemption From War Crimes Prosecution by International Court
by sf inexemption??
go figure!.
here is yahoo's front page news link; and if you scroll further, there are more stories associated with this one:.
They only received that for a year, probably because they needed more time to get all the evidence to prosecute, or giving them time to find the weapons of mass destruction.
A Common Mistake
by DJ inas a jw, i was taught the wrong idea of what the trinity is.
the concept of the trinity does not teach that the father is the son.
I was not denying the fact that you were right or not I was upset over the fact that someone who I thought dearly of as a friend was now an unbeliever. Someone who would come to my house and study Gods word and proclaim his word now denies it. My comment was in reference to that persons post and not to yours so I am sorry for the mix up....
If you could ask the governing body one question, what would it be ???
by run dont walk inif you could walk into brooklyn and face the governing body, and ask one question for them to give a complete answer, what would you ask ??????
How does your conscience settle with you...
"We're Asking You to Leave"
by Black Man inthat's bethelite speak for "you're fired".
it's false advertising, that if you make it through your first year there, you're home-free or off probation.
you're being watched at all times, unless you're a heavy or have been there for years.
LOL Mary
Did you ever win anything?
by JH inhave you ever won anything in your life?
i didn't, but indirectly i did.
back in 1982 my mother won a brand new honda civic.
I won $2,000.00 worth of Oak furniture on a local news post card drawing and a few buck on some scratch cards. And I won Gods love.
A Common Mistake
by DJ inas a jw, i was taught the wrong idea of what the trinity is.
the concept of the trinity does not teach that the father is the son.
Hey it does not matter if Jesus is God or God is Jesus or if there are 3 or if there are 10. The p[oint is that there are those who have faith and that faith is based on God, Jesus, and Gods holy spirit. Those who believe gain an everlasting gift, those who don`t ? well I would not want to be in there shoes. And those who once did believe and now don`t ? Man those are shoes I want to stay completely away from because those are the true appostates of the bible. And for me whats really sad ? is I was baptized right along side of someone here who now does not believe who is now a true apostate. That scares the heck out of me more than any belief in the trinity...............I hope you catch my drift. whom I am talking about...
Do You Try To Get Along With Other Members Of This Board?
by minimus insadly, at times, we lose good posters because we have an acrimonious spirit.
i wonder whether we might actually debate or argue, simply for the thrill of trying to outdo the other person(s).
in the spirit of rodney, "can't we just get along?
Yes I do try to get a long with everyone, but there are sometimes with some people who say things that are completely out of order and I snap back at them and I will not mention their names. We all know who they are and they know who they are. But when it happens I snap back at them but I try to do it with tact and truth. I have met some very nice people here and some of those have helped me in some very trying times. So this place is a good place and besides it can be just through our kindness that we teach those in the JW faith the reality of it all. So in other words it pays for us to be kind and get a long.
It also seems to me that it is the ones that are still in the borg that are having the trouble here getting along with others.....
Child molesters are'nt THAT bad.
by avishai insorry for the attn.
getting post, but i am so pissed off tonight that i can't see straight.
all these f*cks need to be shot.
They can not see a lie if they are a lie, Thats a pathological liar, everything seems truth. Damn Jerks !
Did Jesus Christ exist at all?
by Tyler insome of my comments (and that of others) on other threads have highlighted a basic differance between those of us who belieave jesus christ did exist, and those of us who recon he did not.
i belieave jesus as described in the gospells did not exist.
so i decided to start a thread that adresses this issue face on.
Maybe because they were so well taught they already knew what he was talking about, and besides I don`t believe that every single word of every single conversation was written in the scriptures. There are many places in the bible where subjects seemed to be uncompleted and it could be that the transcripts were destroyed by time after all they layed in caves for many many years before they were found. So it could be that those who put these words together put them together with only what they had or was able to transcribe.