I will respect anyone who respects me cop or no cop
Posts by KGB
Do you like cops?
by JH ini know many people who don't like cops and even give them all kinds of names.
some may be nice, but many think they are superior to the ordinary citizen.
i see so many doing radar on bottom of hills where automatically you will go over the speed limit.
The list would be so long but to name a few ?
Don Williams, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristoferson, Waylon Jennings, Lone Star, Chris Laduex, Charlie Daniels, George Strait, ZZ Top, Whitesnake and many others
Are you a special case?
by JH inwhatever you do, are you always the exception to the rule?
does it ever happen that you see a doctor and he can't understand your problem, that you are a unique case that he never seen before?
or if you go to the garage with your car, and have a problem that no one ever had?.
Oh boy ! in January of 1997 I suffered an Anyuerism in my brain, the Doc told that that the size of the Hemotoma(did I spell that right) ? was surprising that I or anyone could survive it. The pool of blood that spilled out onto my brain was rather large and even if surviving it most people have several problems afterwards like can't walk or talk or think. So yes I am unique or maybe just damn lucky.
Then a year ago I got up to go do some work one mourning and had a slight problem getting up on my feet after putting on my shoes, I went to a Chiropractor thinking I put my back out. He said " I need to take xrays first", I said for what I just put my back out ! He said maybe maybe not, well it was the not. After all these years I find out that I have a birth defect in my spine, it's called Spina-Bifida. It is a wheel chair paralyzing from the waist down crippling problem. Along with that he says that I should of already been in a wheelchair along time ago and asked me if I was some kind of tough bastard. Well I do have a high tollerance to pain and always contributed the pain to hard work. I'm the kind of guy you can slug in the face and I'm gonna still be standing there, more than likely slugging back but still standing. I'm not done yet, then he says that I have Arthritus that you would see in a 65 year old man oh blam there goes that slug in the face !!! So in away I am unique but not in a good way...
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Now thats the kind of replies I was looking for and thank you for your input. Maybe now I can understand more about why you do believe the way you do. I get tired of those who reply to post with things like "what are you doing asking questions here, I thought you left?" You know it doesn't matter who we are if we still believe in God or not we are all here to learn and to help but I think some get off on being jerks.
But you guys are the ones who keep this board alive and healthy and I want to personally thank you for that. Some here think I am some kind of jerk and in all honesty I am really a pretty nice guy, I just don't like being stepped on as I am sure many here also don't care for it.
Oh I hate the borg for there lies to me as I feel it utmost important my love and faith in God but I was having a hard time understanding how some could hate God or not believe in him. You have helped me in that. I still love my Lord and I will until I die because I look at it this way. What Jesus teaches is all about love and peace now when I die and there is no God then I know I lived a pretty good life anyways but if there is a GOD then Iknow that by following his laws and keeping my faith in him I will reap the benefit he has promised and I prefer to think that there is a life beyond this one and the thought of everlasting destruction scares the hell right out of me...Thank you once again...
The Bibles Viewpoint - Does God Change?
by Surreptitious inthe bibles viewpoint.
does god change?.
anthropologist george dorsey described the god of the "old testament" as "a savage god.
was not Moses like 900 something years old when he died? Maybe he was just merely a tool for God? I sure would like to see anyone of us live that long after that many years I think I would be ready to die too, hell most people after 60 if asked will tell you they are ready to leave this world. They will tell you that they are tired and that the thought of going somewheres else actually sounds pretty good. No I don't think that God had anything to do with Moses death but he knew it was coming and that was why he sent him off into the wilderness to die alone as so not to allow his followers to make a martyr out of him.
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Let me rephrase this question. I want to know why you who were familiar with bible teachings for so many years, you went around and taught others about the bible by knocking on doors but now most of you have no faith in God, in Jesus and in church. I realize and understand the bitterness towards the borg for they have decieved you as well as I, but what caused you to loose your faith in God?
A few of you seem to enjoy picking on me and to be honest ? when you do your not going to get a oh thats okay thank you for your hurting and insulting words from me. NO ! when you insult me or my integrity which to be honest I think a few of you lack. I am goping to kick some crap right back at ya. If you was here at my face with your insults there would be some fist fighting going on. I don`t tolerate people who are full grown acting like littel children. If you don`t like my post and you don`t like what I have to say then dont post to it, you can just go on and discuss your anal sex discussions which I can see some of you really enjoy talking about.
When I first came to this site a couple of years ago, people were much more friendly. And it seemed to be powered by still yet Christians. I hate the borg just like you all do but I have not disowned my God by any means. Like some of you and thats your choice but leave my choice alone please.
Awakenedand free,
Those who do not believe in creation by devine nature probably think they came from a bug, some of those here I can believe that as they have about the same sense as a bug. What do we do to a Bug ? We smash it !!! Anyone who thinks we were evolved have very little brains. If we evolved from a bug we would still be born of a bug. Thats has to be the single most stupidest thought I have ever heard...And you cannot tell these people any differently because most of them who were in the borg have not released they're brain washed attitudes yet. Have you ever noticed that a JW has the I know it all attitude? Just like some here?........
To all those who have a problem with what I just said ? I really don`t care go write a letter to your president and see how much he cares. Haha about as much as I do...
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
whats it too you if I leave or I come back? I make my own decissions with what I do.
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
I have read many post here that others says the bible is incorrect and that God could not exist. I have a faith in God and I do believe he does exist so it's not that I do not know what faith is. I thought that maybe there was some substantial evidence that someone knew that would show evidence in Gods non-existance. Many have said " Now that I really know the bible I have come to not believe in Gods word as true and that Jesus existance was a made up lie. So I was loking for those who said these things to tell me where they got there evidence. Now if it is just by faith that these feel the bible is a lie then thats what I am looking for but if there is some kind of outward proof then I would like to see or read that too...
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Many of you make claim that God does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what I want to know is where is the evidence. I am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Katherine Hepburn
by myself indon't know if anyone posted this yet, but one of my favorite actresses passed away:.
katherine hepburn.
i loved her confidence and style.
Now there was a real lady, she had some real class, she was the foundation to womanhood. I am going to miss that gal for sure but she did live a full life and a blessed one for sure.. Gods speed Kathrine Hepburn