The way I have understood it is that htere is no written law that says we are required to pay income taxes. Some have been taken to court to be prosecuted and won their case. But what I also hear is that in order to win such cases you will need alot of money which I don`t have as the Government takes it all away. The Constitution says that it is our moral obligation to pay taxes and I don`t mind paying them or otherwise we would not have police to enforce the laws and we would not have our miliatary to protect our land, and we would be driving on worse roads than we are already driving on.
So really it is to our benefits to pay taxes. Now how much we pay I think can be rethought as I believe we pay to much which allows our Governments to be too frivolous.
And I don`t give a rats ass what teenyuck and Yeru think about it either they are freeks