I was not baptised but came very close to it, yes I did feel pushed into it by my JW folks but I was smarter than the liar who was teaching me....
Posts by KGB
Getting Baptized, did you really want to, or did you feel extreme pressure?
by run dont walk ini was never baptized, but boy did i feel the pressure ....... what are you waiting for ???
don't you love jehovah ???
(i was in my late teens and brought up in the borg)
Karma took care of this pedophile bastard
by ashitaka inchild sex beast crushed
by robin perrie a child molester has been crushed to death under his own car sparking celebrations among his neighbours.
paedophile george nicholson, 63, had convictions for sex attacks on a string of boys as young as nine and was loathed by everyone living near him.
Let me end by saying I do not support what these people do as I was also molested but I do merely believe in forgiveness if asked for it this is my point. I am not supporting this guy and I will not ever support this kind of treatment towards others as it is a very disgusting and a very painful experience to have to live with. Believe me I know...I'm not here to argue with anyone but merely trying to make a point on a christian level thats all !!!
Karma took care of this pedophile bastard
by ashitaka inchild sex beast crushed
by robin perrie a child molester has been crushed to death under his own car sparking celebrations among his neighbours.
paedophile george nicholson, 63, had convictions for sex attacks on a string of boys as young as nine and was loathed by everyone living near him.
what person other than God would put those two things on the same level.
Those were not my words I was quoting scripture maybe you need to read a little slower so you can grab whats being said. I'm sorry that you have so much hate and a lack of forgiveness for others. I guess noone should ever forgive you for your mistakes that you make in life since you can't find some for others. That would be awful if noone ever forgave me, to be honest I would not want to live a life where there was no forgiveness and what a place this world would be, full of hatred, people killing people everywhere in masses worse than it is now. I despise the kind of hate that you support and truly I feel sorry for those like you..God Bless I'll pray for ya...
Karma took care of this pedophile bastard
by ashitaka inchild sex beast crushed
by robin perrie a child molester has been crushed to death under his own car sparking celebrations among his neighbours.
paedophile george nicholson, 63, had convictions for sex attacks on a string of boys as young as nine and was loathed by everyone living near him.
Nothing personal but thats the diference between you and I, I am a christian who believes in Gods word and your not.....
Karma took care of this pedophile bastard
by ashitaka inchild sex beast crushed
by robin perrie a child molester has been crushed to death under his own car sparking celebrations among his neighbours.
paedophile george nicholson, 63, had convictions for sex attacks on a string of boys as young as nine and was loathed by everyone living near him.
Let me make myself VERY clear, I am not nor have I ever been a member of the borg. So I do not have the mentality or the belief that others had or have. I did not by any means say that the guy was a good person either so please do not submit that I did or that I am. I think that people who do those kind of things are very sick. And not to mention to the one that posted I don`t know who it was but I am a victim of sexual child abuse so don`t sit there and tell me about your penny ass righteousness. I'll just bet you have never felt the pain that I have felt, so don't criticize me for my mercy and forgiveness. I will also say this, that the person who molested me when I was a child I have forgiven and I have no problems from it today. I truly believe that it was my mercy and forgiveness that allowed me to survive the emotional pain .. This anger I am showing here is not towards you ashitaka it is the person who posted there in between us. And if any one here is acting like a JW it is you..not me!!!!!!
The Holy Spirit... and DOES God Speak to Us?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace.
last night when i went to bed, my heart was quite heavy: there were things on it, in it, thereon... whatever... that i could not reconcile: i know what i have heard from my lord - how do i get others who love him to grasp that such a thing is possible, to understand that they do not have to take my word for it, but can ask him, for i am nothing more than a good-for-nothing-slave... and have "sold" myself into the "service" of the one who "bought" me... so that it is his will that i must obey... whether earthling man hears... or refrain?
this is not new "fight" with me, let me tell you: i know exactly how jeremiah felt, for i cannot count the times my heart has felt the same thing.
I don't think that God literally speaks to us but I do believe that his Holy spirit works on our minds and our conscience, you know kinda like that little voice that says "yeah go ahead and do it" "or no better not or I will get in trouble for that" In that manner yes I think so but if your hearing real voices I think you need to see a Doctor !!!
Did you use the JW calendars?
by GermanXJW ineven in my hardcore active jw time i had no use for the jw calendar.
i ordered it each year and put it into a drawer.
most months were really ugly illustrated and it was completly useless without the holidays.
Nope, my job always gave out calendars every year so I never needed one...Whew!!!!
Finally! Some good news in my life!
by Aztec ini've been having a rough go financially lately and my job is less than rewarding.
my hours have slowly been cut back over the last few months to the point where i've had to decide between food and bills.
however, my sister's friend brought me a job ad.
Good luck and I'll say a little prayer for you. I know how times are right now so I wish you all the best in your new job
Karma took care of this pedophile bastard
by ashitaka inchild sex beast crushed
by robin perrie a child molester has been crushed to death under his own car sparking celebrations among his neighbours.
paedophile george nicholson, 63, had convictions for sex attacks on a string of boys as young as nine and was loathed by everyone living near him.
I did'nt say that I was sorry for the person only that God forgives everyone who ask, if you did something so bad wouldn`t you hope to be forgiven or would you want everyone to shame you.
I also don't think it was karma but more like an accident. Thats what jack stands are for, I certainly would not get under a car without them and a jack toboot. I think that a child molestor is a very filthy crime and a disgusting one. Jesus said all sin is equal and all sinners will face judgement. So when your facing God on your judgement day he will say that your stealing that lolipop from circle K is the same as the child molestor. I don`t know if you can understand that and I know that most of you do not believe in God any more since coming out of the borg and thats your choice and your decision to make but for me as a Christian I am taught not to judge anyone for in that same judgement I will be judged. I`m sorry if that bothers some of you people but it's my choice to follow what my instructor tells me "JESUS CHRIST"
Rain, Rain Go Away!
by DJ ini live on the east coast in pa. it has been raining off and on for about ??
8 weeks.
my brain is water logged and i need sun!!
Send some of that rain my way we need it bad here, there talking drought this year and water rationing...