LP`s were great in there time but the sound does not even compare to the sound of a CD not even close. I bought a very exspensive stero system 15 years ago the needle has never touched a LP but I have had the CD player in getting fixed a couple of times...
Posts by KGB
Vinyl records or CD's?
by JH ini grew up with vinyl records and i found the sound great except for the scratches and dust on the records.
today, i think that no one plays vinyl records anymore or just threw them all away.. if you take away the dust and scratches of the vinyl disc, did you prefer the sound of the vinyl records compared to the sound of the digital cd's we have today?.
here is an article on the subject.. http://www.howstuffworks.com/question487.htm
Well here I go again
by KGB inokay, okay some said i would come back and they were right.
this is now my second apology.
after i left i was angry and frustrated because i don't like the ol` arguement thing.
Okay, Okay some said I would come back and they were right. This is now my second apology. After I left I was angry and frustrated because I don't like the ol` arguement thing. I grew up with a lot of hatred around in my family"very Dysfunctional"
After I said I was leaving this board I did a lot of soul searching. I dug way down deep inside. You see I am a Christian and that makes me a very happy person inside as well as outside. I had to be reminded that Jesus taught to love your neighbor. He did not say only the ones who believe like you he said love all your fellowman. Not to love what they do but the fact that everyone is just like me in every way.
So now here I am just a fool and one who acted selfishly here with some of you and again I am truly sorry for that. I know that it is by example that we show others the reality and truth in Christ. I failed in doing so with all of you.
I want to be a friend to all of you here and I vow not to act selfishly again towards any of you as we all have our opinions about things and we all have the right to share that. We all may not agree with one another but thats a normal thing. Besides you know the saying "opinions are like arseholes everybody has one" (LOL) So now that I got this off my chest I will also not do something else too. I will not argue with you about anything, I will simply state how I feel about something or express my feelings but I will not argue with anyone here, I hate that with a passion. Arguements brings anger with brings hate and it is not me or even part of me to be that way. It's not healthy. Discussion is healthy but not anger.
I'm not looking for pity in this post or sympathy I purely just want you all to know that I enjoy being here and I enjoy sharing either my thoughts or beliefs. Simply put ? I'm not leaving again (LOL)
I want to thank all of you for your warm goodbyes as well as your warm welcome back and I really feel the need to be here. So get used to me. Actually at one time I was someone else here but I got a virus and I did'nt know where it came from and I lost everything on my computer as I had to wipe my hard drive. So when I reloaded all my sites I changed all my user names and passwords. Can you guess who I am?
Well God Bless all of you believers and Non- believers as well.
Never heard of the guy until today but then I guess I'm not much on soul music
1975..Let's Keep It Alive!
by Englishman in1975. the end of 6000 years of man's existence, and logically, therefore, the start of the 1000 year reign, which meant that armageddon had to be done and dusted before that.. i remember it well!
the hype at assemblies, my dad giving up his job and selling his home to move where the "need was great", now minimised by mother with her "oh so you're another seventy-fiver are you" comments.. now it's just something that occasionally embarrasses jw's, some of them deny it ever happened, others think that it was all too long ago to be relevent.. maybe we need to put 1975 into a slot where we can all relate to it.
maybe those of us who remember that year could chip in as well.. so, what did happen in 1975?
My mom told me when I confronted her on this issue that it was merely a rumor. I knew better than that and oh yes she was baptised in 1975, so I asked her was it the rumor that made you scared and be baptised? hahahahahahaha Hell ya I think so...DOH!!!!
"Do JW's and Born-Again Christians have something in common?
by jads inthis might be funny to some people but i really feel that the reason that jw's and born again christians hate each other so much is because they are so much alike.
they see themselves in each other.
i have been on both sides of the spectum and believe me all of the born-agains that post on this site are more like jw's then they want to admit to themselves.
Well I'm a Christian who has always been a Christian who almost became a JW, I don't feel I am the same as the JW and I will say this I actually feel better about myself than when I was involved. Being a Christian has allowed me to feel more free than I was allowed to be in the JW religion. It was controlled and very judgemental.
I have noticed that some people have taken some things wrong here on this board when another has had there feelings hurt or there beliefs smeared in the mud and when the person who was hurt fights back they are accused of being judgemental against others. I have noticed other people outside of this board even who claim that they are Christian take some things to personal and accuse others of judging them. I think it's there own conscience that bothers them.
I know I have nothing in common with the JW as my Christian faith gives all my glory and love to Christ which the JW's do not. I don't believe in shunning other people no matter who they are or what they do and I know for a fact that there are some here who are also not JW who also shun others. They do not believe in the JW religion but they do act out in some of there same policies.
Really hurt my feelings hope you were kidding
by freein89 inthe threads that might get locked thread.
it was very painful to me.
the anti american ones.
Okay, here is my thoughts on this.
First I came to this board because I had left the JW society and was looking for some support. I did not know at that time that this board was a discussion board about political issues. But I guess some people get bored with themselves and get away from the purpose of this place. Everyone has different feelings about our governments and the leaders of our countries.
I really don't think that there is a single country where all the people are completely satisfied with who is leading there land. There are always going to be someone who believes and feels differently than we do ourselves. I have learned in this board not to let others get to me as some have and done so well, even to the point that I think they actually enjoyed making me pissed off. Today I do not allow others to irritate me in there beliefs or thoughts. If someone thinks I'm a dumb ass then so be it I really could'nt give a rats arse what they think about me as a person or about what I believe in.
If I don't like G.W. Bush or if I like Clinton it really doesnot matter. So in all this mess that we get ourselves into here my final thought is this. Who really gives a crap what others think. About our countries and about our leaders. There is never going to be everyone satisfied with either one. It's what you feel inside that counts and thats all that counts.. I for one love my country, I support it and I will die for it if needed be, I do not support the President and his actions in most things. As far as Clinton and Hilary goes I was not happy about his lies but then his cheating on his wife is not any of our buisness, that was between him and his wife as I am sure if any of us were in that same position we would not want the whole world to know about it, would we? We are all humans and we all make mistakes, there is no perfection here by any means.
So when someone says something that makes you angry or hurts your feelings tell them that and go on. That was a big lesson I had to learn here. Today I could not care less what others might think about what I say on this post or what I believe in as long as I am comfortable with what I believe then thats all that counts.
That's my story and I'm stickin` to it !!!!!!!!
What were your favourite TV cartoons?
by JH in.
which cartoons did you like the most on tv when you were a youngster?
Tom & Jerry----Road Runner & Bugs Bunny
Any single 50'ish ex JW men here??? I'm serious
by Mulan ini know a woman, late 40's, who would love to meet a single man.
she is a disassociated woman, divorced, has a good job, great personality, very pretty, very slender, and would like to meet someone.. i am throwing this out there to see what comes in.
of course, this is not me i'm talking about.
yeah I'm searching but I am looking for the one that has devoted her life to God and Christ. Not that your not Mulan that I don't know but I have had to many failed relationships but none have been devoted, so I think I will be looking that way this time....Good Luck though babe you are a looker for sure.
What In Life Have You Kicked Yourself For?
by minimus inwe all have wished that if we had just one more chance to make a decision and could have changed things, we would have done something differently.
is there anything that you would have changed in your life if only you could?
I can name four, Sharon, Carolyn,Tracy, & Sherry