He was a good one I will never forget him and his work.
Posts by KGB
Actor Buddy Ebsen dies at 95
by TresHappy ini just heard on the radio that actor/dancer buddy ebsen passed away at the age of 95. what a long career he had, i remember him dancing with shirley temple in some of her early movies.
he was the original actor for the role of the tin woodsman in "the wizard of oz" - but was allergic to the make up and replaced.
but most of us remember him as jed clampett on "the beverly hillbillies.
Does Your JW Family Act Like This?
by Banshee inwell, it is district convention time again.
my mother is an active jw and faithfully attends these long, brainwashing sessions.
she and i have fairly close contact and, over the past few years, i have noticed a definite pattern in her behavior after she attends the district conventions.
thanks but you don't even know the half of the evil that my family has done to me, because of my leaving the WTS. Actually it was not so much the leaving part but the fact that I stood up to them and they're religion. I fired at them and they retalliated in a deep hateful anger that will hurt me for the rest of my life. They stained my reputation permanantly.
Are you patriotic?
by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! intonight my husband and i watched the fireworks for the 4th of july.
i've never done this before, save for occasionally peering out of my window as a child hoping to see a few.
tonight was wonderful - beautiful, fun, and there were tons of people there who were behaving themselves at least as well as people behave at assembly.
I support my country but I will not support those who pillage, rape, cheat, lie and steal. I don't support the bigot the molestor or the chauvinistic person or the boaster. No matter where I was born or where I lived I support my country, but may not support the one who leads it. That is why we vote. Now I went to church last Sunday, the church was all decked out in fashion form for the holiday. They had a color guard with the US flag and a Christian flag. We all were to stand and pledge alligence to the flag but I felt that I wasworshipping a false idol and that that did not belong in the church. I respect my flag as I fought for the flag (I'm a Vet) but it felt kind of wierd to to that in the church. Was I wrong for that ? Was that a little part of the Borg still weighing on my conscience? I'm at a loss.....
Does Your JW Family Act Like This?
by Banshee inwell, it is district convention time again.
my mother is an active jw and faithfully attends these long, brainwashing sessions.
she and i have fairly close contact and, over the past few years, i have noticed a definite pattern in her behavior after she attends the district conventions.
Every stinkin time
The Watchtower & the cigarette company
by expatbrit ini: some relevant quotes from watchtower publications
1: the position of the watchtower as regards smoking
*** jv 181 13 recognized by our conduct ***.
Why does this not surprise me, they used to smoke up until the mid 70`s OH thats right they had new light Well I quit but not because they said too but because I wanted too. Man it sure feels good to be smoke free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Dansk inthere are a couple of ideas on this.
one is that satan is a corruption of the egyptian god set who murdered the god osiris and was avenged by horus.. the second is found in the religion of the persian zoroaster, who professed the good god ahura mazda who was at war with the evil god angra mainyu, later known as arhiman.
the zoroastrian concept of hell is almost a mirror image of the jewish hell, and zoroaster's religion even had the concept of a purgatory, as well as a last judgement.
Remember folks satan was an angel in Heaven at one time, God created man in his image and so I tend to think that he also created the angels in his image too. So that would lead me to believe that satan actually looks an awful lot like us>.......
Is there life on other planets?
by JH indo you believe that there is life right now on other planets?
how can we be alone since the universe is endless?
if god does exist, why did he create all of that, if man will never go there?
None of us can really say yes or no as we have no evidence. I do however feel that God is very capable of creating life on other planets just as easy as he did on this one. I think that those answers will be revealed after death. God does not want us to know these things at this time because he wants us to have faith in him in the manner he wishes us too. If we knew the answers to all these questions then maybe it would be to easy for us to get into Heaven. But Jesus said the road to Heaven is long and wide. In other words it is not an easy task, maybe knowing this would make everyone into Heaven. Look at it this way ; if we could look up into the sky right now and see heaven how many do you think would enter the kingdom with faith ? None because there would not need to be faith to get us there we would automatically know that there was a Heaven and would do as were told.
by Dansk inthere are a couple of ideas on this.
one is that satan is a corruption of the egyptian god set who murdered the god osiris and was avenged by horus.. the second is found in the religion of the persian zoroaster, who professed the good god ahura mazda who was at war with the evil god angra mainyu, later known as arhiman.
the zoroastrian concept of hell is almost a mirror image of the jewish hell, and zoroaster's religion even had the concept of a purgatory, as well as a last judgement.
The bible speaks of good and evil through out the whole book, it shows examples of it plainly. We can see through our lives that there is good and there is evil. The bible tells us all good things are from God and all bad things are from evil. One , if you believe in God you have to believe in satan.
I believe that satan does exist and I do believe that all people do naturally have goodness in them because none of us really like to be hurt or hurt but there is an influence in us that cause that goodness to disapear and the evilness to come forth. Even those who are normally good have had times when they are evil so where would this evil come from if there was not the influence. Have I lost confused you yet ? LOL
JWs always become frightened....
by MegaDude in....when meeting a former member.. .
a few weeks ago i was outside doing the old yardwork routine: mow my postage stamp size of a yard, trim the bushes, edge it.
it was saturday and the jws were once again working my street.
Wow that was really great reading your story. I too when I first came out was angry and bitter and when they come to my door I was like a roaring lion ready to pounce on them and tear them into shreds. But I never got anywhere with them. After awhile as thought I left the borg I did not leave God I found that truth you were talking about in Gods word. And the real truth helped me to understand that I was also once one of them. So now when they come to my door I approach them the same as you do, even though they all leave the same as she did too you I feel a great deal of relief that I did get something into there minds . So it is a good lesson for all of us to learn, that compassion goes alot further than anger.
I don't like it when someone yells at me so I don't yell at others especially when sharing the truth in God and the deceptions of the WTS...Thanks for that fine post..
Child Abuser
by Cassiline intonight i saw a commercial on tbs.
there were three people in an elevator, an older woman, a man, and a child.
as customary in elevators, everyone nodded to greet one another.
I have reported a child molestor once before he now is serving 15 years.....................