Hey Man I'm a true lover of the Lord dude I truly believe in his existance and all of Gods word, And ! I'm called a Christian but I do not hear voices from God for sure and if I did ? I would'nt tell anybody because everyone will say your sick go see a doc.
Posts by KGB
For those of you who wish to 'hear'
by kes152 inmay you all have peace!
when i was sent to speak to ones and they came back asking me why it is that we hear and they do not, i had taken it before my lord to ask him.
this is what he told me, their hearts are hard and they do not wish to hear what i tell them.
Is the Watchtower a form of addiction?
by expatbrit inhello.. this morning i glanced at the jw calendar for this month.
it has one of those spreads about how becoming a jw improves your life.
you know the type of thing: "when i learned from the jw's i was able to give up smoking/boozing/drugs/coffee/chocolate/naked bungee jumping etc etc".. i wonder if maybe the reason some people have these experiences is because, by becoming a jw, they simply replace one addiction with another?.
Yes they are but then this discussion board is also an addiction.....
Do you feel like I do sometimes ? Tired of the spitefulness and the name calling, Tired of typing one thing and others interpit another ? Yeah I can relate. I get fed up at times too and I jst walk away for awhile. It does the mind good. I know I'm doing much better since not getting so involved....Good Luck
Ever been on TV?
by Brummie inor do you know anyone thats been on tv?
the year i left the jws i decided to keep a low profile for a while but got asked if i wanted to take part in the birmingham "feed the homeless" plight for christmas.
didnt sound too bad, 'what the eck' i thought, 'stuff the turkeys, i'll do it'.
yes I have been on tv a couple of times.
Am I Considered a FEMINIST? Is That a BAD Thing?
by teenyuck ini have been *accused* of being a feminist.
i use caps, because this term has been used in a derogatory manner when used in reference to things i have posted.
the online merriam webster dictionary defines feminism as: .
To be honest teenyuck, yes I think you are very feminist.
Is it a bad thing ? depends on how its used in a manner of speaking. Some women like to use it to control men and some use it for good equality. Some use it as a power trip of sorts and some use for prosperity. How I think you use it ? is not for me to judge>
Five years Jail Time for 15 years of sexual abuse?!?!
by ashitaka infather wrote detailed incest diary.
av: carin pettersson 09. jul 15:16. .
from the time the girl was a newborn until she was fifteen, she endured systematic sexual abuse from her own father - something he carefully logged in his computer diary.. .
You know I was not going to post here any more but only read. This made me so sad to hear that this little child endured all this pain for more than 5 years but thats all he got? There is something wrong with this system. I have a son in prison right now for 17 years for armed robbery, but this guy gets 5 years and he is allowed to appeal it? That really pisses me off
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Little witch,
Don't get me wrong here but it seems that I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. You see I can go back on post from the past where others have said things that others did not like and they also retalliated. It seems to be ok for some to criticize but not okay for others. Maybe it's that when I return the criticisum its probably a little more harsh than others. It really does not matter to me if someone is put off by me as you say because everyone cannot agree with everyone. We are all going to say things that others don't like or agree with. Oh well I can't please the whole world and Im not going to try either.
Some have criticized me merely because they thought that my question was a stupid question is that really fair to do to someone? I`m sure even you have asked a dumb question ! I on the other hand do not feel there is such a thing, the dumb question is the one that did not get asked. My intentions were not to come here and argue with anyone as I have seen on many different post that there are a few that love to criticize others just for the pure pleasure of doing so. Some people can sit idle and say and do nothing about it on the other hand I choose to defend what I feel is right.
I have read it said here if you can't stand the heat then get out of the fire. If you dont like what my question is then don't reply. I think that is more humanly than to criticize someone. You know I am not all at fault here and don't try to make it mine either. Besides Simon has made it very clear for those who decide to do so. Im sorry if you dont like the things I say there are many post here that I disagree with but you dont here me criticizing others about it. I personally think that there are to many self righteous people here and to many that point the fingers but dont look at them selves.
Im nobody perfect and I fault too just like the other guys so leave me the hell alone. If ya got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all cause I don't want to hear it anymore. I'm really getting tired of this place and hearing how I am always the prick well they're are many more here that are just like me so those who wish to criticize others just because they are a little different than you then do so but don't do it here Im tired. I am about to leave this board because I am so tired of the crap it has become not an enjoyable place to be anymore.....SO LONG
by Mary inwell i went to the assembly yesterday, to see what bullshit they'd come up with this year to be upbuilt and i certainly won't go next year wasn't disappointed!
did you know that there are (gasp!
) apostates on the internet??!!
They must be running out of things to teach as I have heard this a couple of times before. You should of seen them when I told them I was going into a JW discussion board, they're eyes got big and buggy and the words that flew from they're mouths, Whew, I was laughing at them Hahahahahahaha
I just realized I could have died
by Jayson intwo days ago i decided to go out on my motorcycle into the backwoods (kind of a desert) behind the city i live in.
it's a combination of drylands that grow wheat and vast natural sagebrush.
i was about 10 miles off road when a 200 or 300 acer brush fire broke out below where i was.
I went down, down, down, but the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burns that ring of fire, that ring of fire
I used to be a voluntary fire fighter, I know how fast the flames can catch up on your arse. Wath it when the wind blows, whoosh and your toast.
Do you remember any poems from school?
by JH indo you remember any poems you learned by heart at school?
well, go on, recite it.... i remember this very short one:.
"a ball of fur, inhabited by purr" now that is the shortest poem i ever heard.
No wonder whats wrong with ya Shamus your a doper...
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but I dont know you........