Am I Considered a FEMINIST? Is That a BAD Thing?

by teenyuck 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    I have been *accused* of being a FEMINIST. I use caps, because this term has been used in a derogatory manner when used in reference to things I have posted.

    The online Merriam Webster dictionary defines feminism as:

    Main Entry: fem·i·nism
    Pronunciation: 'fe-m&-"ni-z&m
    Function: noun
    Date: 1895
    1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
    2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests- fem·i·nist / -nist / noun or adjective
    - fem·i·nis·tic / "fe-m&-'nis-tik / adjective

    So why is this such a negative concept?

    Why do women have to feel apologetic for wanting political, economic and social equality?

    Am I seen as a feminist on this board? (Or just a pain in the butt?-) Your honest answers would be appreciated.

  • Hamas

    Hi Teeny

    I have noticed an element of this in your posts...

    But I don't think that this is a bad thing. Everybody has opinions; if it floats your boat, and gets you through the day, then you go girl !

  • logansrun


    I think feminism is a lot like any other philosophical or political movements -- it has it's radical wing and it's moderates. I haven't really followed all your posts over the few months I've been here, but I don't see you as a radical feminist. Nor do I consider the term "feminist" a bad thing.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    "I have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." -Rebecca West

    "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

    Some men on this board obviously still accept the WT dictum that being called a feminist is an insult. I don't.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Maybe we should ask people...what makes a "radical" feminist?

  • IronGland
    "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

    I don't think any sane person could have a problem with that. I think what bugs people is when someone takes an example of a guy being a jerk and concludes that all men are evil jerks. Like in the discussion with Robdar and the preacher that turned into a thread about evil men cheating on their wives. I think statistics show that infidelity is usually 50/50. Somehow, some people seem to think it's ok for women because they often give the 'I wasn't emotionally fulfilled' excuse or some BS. As if cheating is ok if you're emotionally 'horney', but wrong if you're just horney.

  • logansrun

    Radical feminism would be the philosophy that women are superior to men, or simply do not view men in any good light whatsoever. Some radical feminists discourage women from marrying, viewing it as deliterous for the woman. There are other examples as well.


  • MrsQ

    I'm a feminist--but I hate telling people that, because they assume I'm some kind of bitter, shriveled, tight-lipped woman with very short hair, no makeup, and a bad attitude. That's just wrong. Feminism means that women should have equal rights in our society. Equal rights, equal pay for equal work, and equal respect in their chosen fields of endeavors--even if it is raising their children.

    It does not mean that men and women are the "same". It does not mean that men are 'at fault' for all the evils in the world. It does not mean that my husband is a weenie who gets pushed around a lot.


  • teenyuck
    Radical feminism would be the philosophy that women are superior to men, or simply do not view men in any good light whatsoever. Some radical feminists discourage women from marrying, viewing it as deliterous for the woman.

    I don't agree or adhere to those sentiments at all. That is the whole issue with who is better/stronger/smarter. Neither. As has been pointed out in so many threads, we are different. We should be treating each other equally. That is my point. I see no reason not to treat another adult as an equal.

    No matter what my personal views on cheating are (based upon my experiences with my father), I know and understand that men and women cheat. I don't hold cheating spouses in high regard. But that has nothing to do with wanting equality.

    I think marriage is wonderful. I much prefer having someone to love, to cuddle with, to plan with, to look forward to the future with, to think about growing old with, etc. than without. I married a wonderful man. I think the planets were in alignment when we met. He is a wonderful, kind, thoughtful man. Believe it or not, my boyfriend in college was a sweetheart also.

    My father was a jerk. I heard that from my mother for years. I know he was not perfect, however, my mother made things at home difficult with all or nothing dictates. I simply could not believe that all men were jerks. My mom seemed bitter and unwilling to see the brightside to life and also unwilling to give a little in any relationship. I learned early that to give you get back. Mostly.

    I was married to an abuser. That didn't stop me from trying again. Overall, my boyfriends were good guys. I have no reason to hate all men.

    Equality means listening to my opinions and debating; not just saying "your an idiot, you don't know what you are talking about" simply because I am a woman. It means paying me equally for the same job; if I have the same qualifications. Equality means interviewing me for that job you thought only a man could do. Equality means letting me go to college if I want to. Even if I am going to end up "barefoot and pregnant". Whose to say I won't have to support those children in a few years?

    I worked in a warehouse right out of college. I was the only female. The first female. I ended up being the union steward in a shop that was run by the carpenters union. I learned how to do the job, I busted my ass and I did the job as well as the men. I finally got equal pay. For the first and last time. After 3 1/2 years I ended up *moving up* into the office and using my *degree*. I would get paid less, but have more opportunites. Right. Wrong. I should have stayed in the shop. Between moving around the country for the last 15 years following my husbands career, I would have been much more employable as a carpenter!! I would have made alot more money also. Live and learn.

    I think the mindset of people who have been in an org like the JWs leaves many lingering thoughts that are hard to break. Many of those have to do with women in subjection, women are not as important, etc. I hope the internet will open people's eyes to the world and let them see that we (women) are not out to take over the world. Just be fair and treat us the same.

  • KGB

    To be honest teenyuck, yes I think you are very feminist.

    Is it a bad thing ? depends on how its used in a manner of speaking. Some women like to use it to control men and some use it for good equality. Some use it as a power trip of sorts and some use for prosperity. How I think you use it ? is not for me to judge>

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