Do I know this George?
i like this guys style!.
this would have been a good one for a dub to use.. here's the story.. sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed supervisor of the church's.
morals, kept sticking her nose into other.
Do I know this George?
i like this guys style!.
this would have been a good one for a dub to use.. here's the story.. sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed supervisor of the church's.
morals, kept sticking her nose into other.
That will teach others to keep there mouths shut.....LOL
re: caught in a web of lies.
post 5271 of 5488. since 14-mar-01.
This will be a thread that only a few will post too as most here disagree......
jgnaut, .
: much of the hebrew scriptures is a dispassionate account of israels history.
most of the hebrew scriptures is total bullshit written after-the-fact so that israel could make them look better in history than they actually were.
And just who are the people who write about biblical history ? Atheist and Agnostics? I would think more than likely so....NO THANKS I will continue to love and worship God and Christ and continue to keep my faith in his word the holy bible..
not that i really care...but my daughters family has a few of them that are jw's.for many yrs they talked to me very limited,i guess they have found out that i no longer believe the org has truth to now the shunning has when we met in the coffee shop my daughters father did this little dance shuffle, backwards to get out of my way...even a few weeks back when he picking something up from here for my daughter they had to get him to carry it(this happened before i knew i was a shunnee) he peeked around the corner of my door and took a weak step in..he leaned a bit couldnt reach what he was trying to pick up,then he took another step..leaned...still couldnt get it...i was watching him like..good gawd!!
does he think a demon is going to get him?how sad..i am amazed at what this cult has done to persons minds.....back to the story... =0).
my hubbies brother is married to my daughter's aunt and she is a jw.....and we went camping with my hubbies family and they were to meet my daughter's father and other jw...well when they seen me pull up in the van,i thought they were going to have a daughters stepmom was about to pop her last nerve.they sat behind the tent and chatted forawhile and my brother in law came over and said they are leaving because of they took down alll their camping gear and moved far enough away from the evil..bad bad heather.(lol).
Yeah I too had been shunned and I was not even baptised, but then they feel if your excepted as an unbaptised publisher OOOHHHHHH! that you are treated the same. I think it is a perfect example of there falsehood. It goes against all that Jesus taught. But then thats why they are listed as a cult.
Even though they shunn me ? I don't shunn them, I get right in front of them and I present them the truth about their religion and the truth about Christ. Of course they are just about stummbling over themselves to get away from me (LOL) but I will not lower myself to their level of thinking..
I know it can be a painful thing to some but in all actuallity it is a release, a freedom and it actually feels kinda good to see a liar run away...
in may my beloved grandmother passed away at the age of 87. it was a long struggle for her, and i thought i was dealing with her death pretty well.
well yesterday, i went to my jw parents for a visit (had not been there in several months.
) the first thing mom wanted me to do was to look in my grandmother's personal possessions to see if was there anything i wanted.
You know what I did ? I wrote it out in my will that by no means is my JW parents to have any say or any doings with my funeral. I'll be dipped in pig poop before I get buried in a JW matter....
i have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
Yes it was the fact that they shared in a very unloving way that made me decide not to get baptised. I never seen a single once of true human love from that religion it was just the opposite. To this day I can never let my guilt go when I was out in service one day with 3 other men. Driving down the road and a lady was trying to push her car off the road and she was having a real hard time with it. I shouted out pull over so we can help her and the elder that was driving the car said oh she will make it just fine and went around her while they all sat there and watched her trying to push that car out of the road. I have always been the first one to jump out and help someone and when that happened and we kept going down the road, I was not only filled with guilt but shame. That was the first thing that made me begin to think that this religion was a lie.
i have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
In other words if God inspired the men to write the history part and it is correct then why would'nt the spiritual part be correct too....????
i have noticed that a lot of you here quote references of history from scripture, so my question is this.
if you say that the bible is not the true word of god then how can it even be a true word of history.
The reason for my question is this many say the bible is a lie and that is it incorrect. That simply said,
if it's a lie then the whole is a lie too. Thats where I am coming from.
how long can a forum last before every topic has been discussed at least once?
new people come to the forum with new opinions, changing the forums dynamic, but there is a point when everything has been discussed and some members have seen all there is to see.
i suspect this happens faster on a forum with a focus like the jw experience (versus a general forum) because there is only so much to discuss about jws and the wtbts.
Even though we have discussed many things many times there are always new people coming here that have not discussed topics and they need answers just like we did, I am sure that when we came here we asked questions that had been answered many times. Yes sometimes I get replies like thats a dumb question or we have talked about that one way too many times but I had not or I would not of asked, so we politly(atleast some) reanswer what may have been discussed 20 times. Besides I always told my employees "the only dumb question is the one that did'nt get asked"