JoinedPosts by GodZoo
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everyone!
by seahorse321 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to assimilate, i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Hmm.. this thread should not be graced with any kind of conversation. (Just my humble opinion) -
If jw's obeyed all of the bible commandments what would they be like?
by purrpurr inthe jw's cite abstaining from blood along with other cherry picked commandments.
but then ignore the others.
this is very hippocritical and if they are going to obey one commandment they should be obeying the rest.. just as a bit of fun then... what would jw's be like if they obeyed every rule in the bible?.
Come to think of it.. if they really followed and obeyed the Bible they would actually cease to be Jehovah's Witnesses.. -
Guardians of Doctrine.
by Pubsinger ini'm still working my way through the videos..... this has probably been covered before but had anyone else ever heard them use this phrase before?
not me... but it's a clever and as per usual misleading choice of words.. if they are indeed guardians of doctrine, they are very poor ones.
if so jws would believe the same thing now that they did in 1879 and we all know that's not true.
All the literature they publish uses subtle indoctrination techniques to slowly draw you in using what appear in the surface to be good and positive ideas, concepts and teachings. you are led to believe you can find peace, security, happiness, freedom and real future and real love by following and adhering to these concepts and in joining with these people. you are even given a taster and experience of these things on a small scale which serves to convince you that you have indeed made the right decision.
Then they switch the game on you.. with with same subtle brain washing they gradually take over and own outright your conscience and your core being and feelings and definitions of what and who is good.. what is is bad.. what and who is unclean, pure, just, worthy.. ect. They then use the strings and hooks attached to your core being to manipulate, control and coerce you into being and doing what they want.
You are now like a bird caught in a snare. It can take just a year to get ensnared.. but up to 20 or even 30 years to get out again.
That's just how dangerous this cult can be.
If jw's obeyed all of the bible commandments what would they be like?
by purrpurr inthe jw's cite abstaining from blood along with other cherry picked commandments.
but then ignore the others.
this is very hippocritical and if they are going to obey one commandment they should be obeying the rest.. just as a bit of fun then... what would jw's be like if they obeyed every rule in the bible?.
They would have to show and demonstrate true love and genuine charity to all in need around them as Jesus supposedly commanded and not just funnel all their resources to buying the GB fancy jewelry and building their ever expanding publishing/property empire.
They would have to learn to truly value and protect children and the fatherless boys/girls among them.
They would have to stop going ahead of the Bible and desist their 130 year old habit of plucking out random 2 and 3 thousand year old scriptures and presumptuously declaring themselves to be ie: God's prophet/spokesperson/only channel on earth, Governing Body/Faithful and Discreet Slave, God's Chosen People, only JW's will be saved, bla bla bla...
GB member and 17000 US$ iWatch !
by sp74bb inone member of a similar spanish speaking forum has found something quite interesting.. it is quite funny to see that gb members do not really realize how their belongings are really showing them as a fraud.
do you expect to see a gb wearing a 17000 us$ iwatch when answering to a court.
geoffrey jackson does !.
2 hours agoBut to be so arrogant as to not even dress the part when you are going on camera before the world trying to appear like a humble man of God????
What complete bollox. This goes against everything Jesus did, taught and said and they themselves teach.. (apparently)
Mark 14:5
"It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor." And they rebuked her harshly."
Is Satan really a liar, and the father of the lie?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales in5 for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.. .
genesis 3:22. jehovah god then said: here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad..".
for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.?.
"Here the man has become like one of US"
That must mean that God, Jesus, the angels, and whoever the 'US' is all had 'knowledge of good and bad'.
How come they too are not condemned to death for having such knowledge?
Is Satan really a liar, and the father of the lie?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales in5 for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.. .
genesis 3:22. jehovah god then said: here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad..".
for god knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like god, knowing good and bad.?.
Jehovah God then said: “Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad.."What were they before knowing good and bad? Mindless obedient wind up robots? If they had no idea of good and bad how could they possibly understand that eating the fruit was something bad? Simply following an instruction or warning or threat: (ie, 'do that and I will kill you') is not knowledge in any sense of the word.Doesn't one need to knowledge of what bad is in order to be able to exercise one's God given conscience and make a free and intelligent choice not to do such a thing? Or did the god of Genesis want only mindless obedience?Proverbs 13:16: 'All who are prudent act with knowledge'.Acting without knowledge then must make one an idiot.
Do we have consensus that Mr Jackson was wearing a gold Apple Watch?
by StarTrekAngel ini mean, we have discussed mr morris' "rolex" but many also pointed out to the potential for a knock-out.
i don't think there are apple watch knock outs out there, are they?
iWatches Suck!
Do we have consensus that Mr Jackson was wearing a gold Apple Watch?
by StarTrekAngel ini mean, we have discussed mr morris' "rolex" but many also pointed out to the potential for a knock-out.
i don't think there are apple watch knock outs out there, are they?
There is only one Gold edition watch. The others are either gray or silver color. Is either a gold apple watch or is a knock off. Has anyone seen any knock off?
Yup.. iWatch knock offs were available even before the official iWatch was released.
Other iWatch Clones.. (including Edition)
JWs are not charitable
by BashfulAshG inhey guys,.
i'm just venting here because obviously, i can vent to no one else because i am still in the congregation.. jws as a whole do nothing to help the poor, the homeless, the sick, the hungry, though some individual jws do.
because they are too busy giving to the gb.
In 30 years I have never one time seen a Jehovah's Witness give a scrap of food to a hungry person, a scrap of clothing to cold person, an hour of shelter to a homeless person and certainly not a single cent or penny to a poor derelict person that was not another witness and more often than not related to them by blood.
In the streets after having parked their comfy cars, walked in their decent clothes pushing the Governing Body's trolley of well kept literature to peddle their detached, emotionless and loveless message I have witnessed them walk past the hungry, the cold, the homeless and the derelict with not so much as an acknowledgment of these people's existence let alone need. The only thing I have ever seen any of these unfortunates received was a tract.
They may fit the definition of a religion which to qualify only requires that they believe in and claim to worship a supernatural being.
But they do not in any way quality for the definition of a charity.
- an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need."the charity provides practical help for homeless people"
- the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need..
They do however qualify for the definition of a cult
A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.