Mac, I think that's cinnamononimous with syonym toast.
do you have your own way of saying things, your own words for describing things?
for example, i don't say alzheimer disease, i say old timers disease.
why not, usually only old people get that.
Mac, I think that's cinnamononimous with syonym toast.
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
You're on to me Az! I really am Murray Langston. Actually I let that slip a while back.
... and there are some places where the road just keeps going.
" - pleasantville (the movie).
jehovah's witnesses like to ask, "where else will you go?
Maybe it's just that I like Reese Witherspoon
Oh yer baby, yer!
do you have your own way of saying things, your own words for describing things?
for example, i don't say alzheimer disease, i say old timers disease.
why not, usually only old people get that.
Sometimes I'll be talking along and suddenly I'll blurt out, "Columbo!" for no reason at all and then I'll methodically rub my forehead.
I'm with Doc on this one. All will be well.
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
I look almost exactly like Matthew Broderick. Here's a pic of me:
as jws, we were taught that we had all the answers - that we knew the truth and no one else did.
we were taught that no one knew as much as we did.
we were taught that we were better than others.
We shouldn't discriminate based on color or sexual preference!Just a side note, it is not sexual preference, it is sexual orientation. Don't want to get into an argument about this, but usually those who use that terminology do it because they believe we have some choice in the matter. And yes, I am oriented gay.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Phantom referred to "black and white gaze" and I was just making an off-the-cuff pun.
we've had so much of the gorgeous women, so who would be the world's most gorgeous man in your view?
I vote Yasser.
Yasser, that's my baby. No sir, don't mean maybe. Yasser, that's my baby now.
as jws, we were taught that we had all the answers - that we knew the truth and no one else did.
we were taught that no one knew as much as we did.
we were taught that we were better than others.
black-and-white gaze?
We shouldn't discriminate based on color or sexual preference!
i was thinking today that it would be usefull and most definitely appropriate to have some kind of designation for an underage user here, besides the birthday thing, which obviously could be used and abused by someone.
i was thinking maybe a small icon .
Human decency and common sense would eliminate most if not all of the types of comments that were posted yesterday.
Human decency in that if we treated everyone with respect, then we won't have to worry if we're talking to a child or not. Our habit of appropriate behavior will act as our safety net. (I'm referring to not attacking people here.)
Common sense in that as the old adage goes it pays to "look before you leap". A little "elbow grease" (reading everything before you post) is a small price to pay for the confidence that we're speaking to the issue intelligently and appropriately.