"the weaponization of family and friends"
That phrase is so appropriate. And so true. It's what they do.
I'm sorry, I know it's tough.
this has been tough.
very tough actually.
because i'm so integrated into things including certain tasks which i can't say as it would be a dead giveaway i find myself constantly bombarded by things.. i'm literally a lying every day.
"the weaponization of family and friends"
That phrase is so appropriate. And so true. It's what they do.
I'm sorry, I know it's tough.
hi, new here but have been lurking for a while.
some background first, i am from the uk, 3rd gen born in, dad, grandad elders etc.
17 years ago i left, no df or da just left, 18 years old and alone but i did it and have had no regrets.
No, you're not overreacting. My parents tried to indoctrinate my son and when he was about 8 years old he came home from an overnight visit, visibly distressed and crying.
He was already seeing a doctor for anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder) and when she heard about this, she forcefully told us not to allow it anymore at all. It was obviously very bad for him.
I had to have a talk with her and didn't allow him to stay overnight again for a long, long time.
I found out she was sneaking behind my back, bought him a suit and took him to the meetings with her! That got stomped on, too, with a request she look into the pedophilia scandal.
The point is, the JWs, even our parents, have no respect for parental authority. They will sneak and lie and think they are doing good.
Please put your foot down now.
so my hubby has been on a bit of a roll about the jdubs, we were talking a lot about them & he said the buzz word he hate's the most is "worldly" why?
because he say's "with that one word they have condemned (according to their believes) a person as being worthy of nothing but death.
Persons, as in good-hearted persons.
Why can they not just say People?
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
crowd looking like they're doing the heil hitler salute to trump when he asks for a pledge and swear their support while calling for broadening torture laws.
trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws.
It never ceases to amaze me when people are shocked and outraged that electing representatives of the government in a democracy requires politics.
Politics is how it works! You can't get stuck in idealism. Like the Tea Party who refused to compromise (meaning, actually do politics) until they splintered their own party, the GOP. You have to be able to get elected and reelected to even keep your ideals in the public consciousness.
And, you have to compromise to get things done. This is what seasoned politicians know and why the establishment GOP was so angry with the Tea Party obstructionists who created the do nothing Congress.
But, I understand there is a considerable populist sentiment for putting the non-politician (which means no political experience) into office. Some people just have a preference for an outsider.
Now, stay with me, this is why I'm voting for Bernie. Trump gets the nomination, and the GOP is splintered. So, who do you put on the ballot against him if you're a Democrat? Someone who catches the Outsider zeitgeist-- Bernie Sanders. Who wins? Enough people see Trump as a big buffoon that they will cast a vote for the least offensive option, and, even if they don't truly love him, they vote for Bernie in what is more so a vote against Trump. Plenty of people actively hate Hillary and would vote Trump over her.
This is how the GOP manufactured its own downfall and gave power, not only to the left, but to the far left. And, this is why I'm voting for Bernie.
This is how politics works, folks.
have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
Did every convention have the experience about a worldly person who tested the honesty of the JWs by dropping a hundred dollar bill at the convention which they had previously written down the serial number for.
Then they go to Lost and Found looking for it and, lo and behold, the bill is there with the correct serial number!
I'm pretty sure it was all made up.
azusa ca.
the aclu has threatened legal action against the azusa school district over a high.
school science teacher's "regular endorsement of religion in the classroom.
He might be more comfortable teaching at a Catholic school. They've got Jesus strung up on a cross in every classroom.
Except, oops, even the Catholics teach evolutionary theory.
for me, the dead giveaway is this.
jesus wrote nothing.. stop and think about that.. if jesus were the authentic messiah, his ministry would not simply be local.. his instructions, his mission, the details of his teachings would be too precious to risk leaving it in the hands of "men unlettered (illiterate) and ordinary (blue-collar yokels).".
jesus, were he the one and only hope of mankind, would be absolutely certain to write down with great simplicity and specificity the exact owner's manual necessary to rescue mankind.. never happened!.
Actually you did, saying "I WAS addressing Terry specifically" then saying he's hardened his heart towards God, then saying God will harden his heart against him and give him over to his own way, and then you go on to say that such men will harden their heart even more when they are thrown in the lake of fire.
Your endless equivalencies start with Terry and end in the lake of fire, exactly as I quoted.
My comprehension is fine. I see right through all the filler in the middle that you put in to distance Terry from the lake of fire, but it's all there. Not sure if you're deliberately trying to be dishonest or you've fooled yourself, but you've said a terrible thing, a rude thing, and a thing that falls under the category of "none of your business," for Terry's eternal disposition certainly is none of yours.
Maybe you ought not meddle in others' affairs. That kind of rhetoric repels others, and unless you're trying to turn people off, maybe you should stop.
for me, the dead giveaway is this.
jesus wrote nothing.. stop and think about that.. if jesus were the authentic messiah, his ministry would not simply be local.. his instructions, his mission, the details of his teachings would be too precious to risk leaving it in the hands of "men unlettered (illiterate) and ordinary (blue-collar yokels).".
jesus, were he the one and only hope of mankind, would be absolutely certain to write down with great simplicity and specificity the exact owner's manual necessary to rescue mankind.. never happened!.
"People like Terry...will be thrown into the lake of fire"
"love michelle"
THIS ^^^^ is what gives Christians a bad name.
Threaten you (or promise, if you prefer) and then tell you they love you! It's just mind-bending that they can't see how ugly and off-putting that is.
If that's what your selling, then I CERTAINLY won't be buying!