It never ceases to amaze me when people are shocked and outraged that electing representatives of the government in a democracy requires politics.
Politics is how it works! You can't get stuck in idealism. Like the Tea Party who refused to compromise (meaning, actually do politics) until they splintered their own party, the GOP. You have to be able to get elected and reelected to even keep your ideals in the public consciousness.
And, you have to compromise to get things done. This is what seasoned politicians know and why the establishment GOP was so angry with the Tea Party obstructionists who created the do nothing Congress.
But, I understand there is a considerable populist sentiment for putting the non-politician (which means no political experience) into office. Some people just have a preference for an outsider.
Now, stay with me, this is why I'm voting for Bernie. Trump gets the nomination, and the GOP is splintered. So, who do you put on the ballot against him if you're a Democrat? Someone who catches the Outsider zeitgeist-- Bernie Sanders. Who wins? Enough people see Trump as a big buffoon that they will cast a vote for the least offensive option, and, even if they don't truly love him, they vote for Bernie in what is more so a vote against Trump. Plenty of people actively hate Hillary and would vote Trump over her.
This is how the GOP manufactured its own downfall and gave power, not only to the left, but to the far left. And, this is why I'm voting for Bernie.
This is how politics works, folks.