Hadriel, I did mention that the child should have been in a safety seat in my first comment on page 1.
The mother was irresponsible in multiple areas. So, my question is how do you keep irresponsible people from owning guns?
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Hadriel, I did mention that the child should have been in a safety seat in my first comment on page 1.
The mother was irresponsible in multiple areas. So, my question is how do you keep irresponsible people from owning guns?
some of us have called umbertoecho a hero for testifying before arc about her own sexual abuse but she says she's no hero.. slidin fast says:.
umberto, you are a hero to us.
you are a person who feels ordinary but is doing extraordinary things.
Umbertoecho, we are in awe about how brave you are!
We hope you got some closure for yourself and also hope you are proud of yourself for making a difference for the children stuck in the cult.
Not all of us are in the position to do so and we thank you because we know it was difficult.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Well, that's good to hear Crazyguy. I also think that everyone should should have to take a gun safety course.
Look, I have a shotgun in my house, so I'm not entirely anti-gun, like I mentioned above.
But, it's locked and stored in the attic without ammo. The ammo is stored separately in another area. That's for safety. We also only use the gun for hunting, not self-protection.
Which brings me to Simon's point. If you store a gun safely, it's not useful for self-defense. If it's not stored safely, then it's dangerous.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Oh, please, with the comparisons of guns and cars.
Cars have a useful purpose. Handguns are designed to maim or kill.
In my first post I mentioned a list of every irresponsible thing this gun owner did. It was not an endorsement of handguns.
Pro-gun folks are always reassuring others that they are responsible gun owners. But, this story as well as many others shows that there are way too many irresponsible ones. It makes me question whether self-policing by gun advocates is working.
I have nothing against shotguns or rifles used for hunting. My husband is a hunter and it's a useful way to manage wildlife populations. We eat everything he kills.
Also, I am very glad that the mother survived.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Well, she never taught him lesson #1-never point a gun at a person.
She didn't bother to lock her gun and store the ammo separately (That's a big deal in my state during vehicular transport!)
She didn't bother to keep her gun out of the reach of her son.
And, she ensured that her negligence left her son motherless.
I wonder if she put her kid in a safety seat if he was able to find the gun under the seat. If he was buckled in, then he wouldn't have been able to reach under the seat.
Yeah, she made a lot of bad choices and, unfortunately, paid some pretty serious consequences for them.
the initial conversation had to do with someone who has the ability to reason for them self's.
i than asked her.....why is the memorial in march and not in april when nissan 14 is?.
her response..."pray to jehovah for understanding.
It's not about reason. Reason didn't get her in and reason won't get her out.
I'm sorry.
dangit.......like i gotta cook for this hot chick tonight, ........i rented a suite at the mayaguez beach hotel, and she's totally into me.
i have my jeep....im still sore from my wreck....but dangit...im into this girl and i need y'alls help.
im californian....kinda been in the tropic forrest..bout 2years....and need some southern help.
though not officially spring, the past two days in the mid-atlantic have been gorgeous!
it's been over 70°f and sunny.
i've opened all the windows in the house and have sunshine and fresh air pouring in.. i walked outside today and noticed that my tulips are pushing through the ground.
Though not officially spring, the past two days in the mid-Atlantic have been gorgeous! It's been over 70°F and sunny. I've opened all the windows in the house and have sunshine and fresh air pouring in.
I walked outside today and noticed that my tulips are pushing through the ground. My neighbors have beautiful daffodils that are in full bloom. The grass has new green shoots even though it hasn't grown yet, which is good because mowing is a chore.
I know it may not last, it was snowing five days ago, but this is like my personal favorite holiday; that first spring-like day.The dark, dreary and depressing winter is being beaten back by the sun. It makes me feel like I have the strength to keep plodding on in life.
Happy spring, everybody! If it's not there yet, it is coming soon!
PS-If you're in the southern hemisphere, ignore everything I just said. Sorry your summer is coming to an end, but it'll be back. :)
contrary to what the wt teaches, they ignore the wise words of ecc 10:19 "ecc 10:19 "a feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
Thanks to whoever disliked the actual existence of a psychological study, which I actually gave the reference for.
What the ever-loving f--k?
But, since you didn't bother to comment, we'll never know what you were thinking.
You've truly got me scratching my head here...
the person may have prepared himself psychologically for an event that never eventuates, and, worse still, may have even made public his predictions about the event.
what happens when an important prophecy fails and dissonance is aroused between what was predicted and what actually occurred is described in the classic field study carried out by festinger, riecken and schachter (1956).
in the mid-1950s mrs marion keech, a suburban housewife, began to receive messages from outer space.
If it were just as easy as showing facts, any JW could be convinced of TTATT.
But, it's not logic that keeps them there.
Excellent post, especially for newbies.