A slither of circuit overseers
An echo of old light
A snooze of assemblies
A muddle of ministerial servants
A flail of return visits
english is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
A slither of circuit overseers
An echo of old light
A snooze of assemblies
A muddle of ministerial servants
A flail of return visits
since the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
SIAR2, wow just checked our pioneercloset. It's on Instagram and it's heavy on polka dots and florals, all in an ugly midcalf length.
My skirts were always mid-knee or above back in the 1980s and if I remember correctly, knee-length was acceptable then. Mine were only slightly short, but this halfway to the floor stuff is just ugly!
Witness fashion has definitely gone downhill.
since the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
Jookbeard, I say go for it.
Also think the teapot could work as a literature briefcase, I mean they're only tracts anymore...
as a born-in jw, i never considered myself to be a fundamentalist.
i always thought we were enlightened, progressive and not 'stuck in darkness' like all the other religions.. i was totally wrong.. as far as fundamentalists go, jw's are probably right up there amongst the front-runners.
no, they do not stone people to death or go on religion-fuelled violent rampages but that's not what i'm talking about.
Good post. It took me awhile after I left to realize that JWs actually are fundamentalists.
They also deny having a political opinion, but I think they actually do because I have heard everything but "I endorse candidate XYZ."
Amazing powers of self-delusion.
Just finished up the dishes.
Had corned beef, cabbage and potatoes, all boiled in one big pot.
Apparently real Irish people don't eat that stuff.
I put mayonnaise on my cabbage.
Apparently no one at all eats that.
Hey, at least I didn't make mashed potatoes and color it green with food dye this year!
after leaving the jehovah’s witness religion, we had the opportunity to read emotional blackmail by susan forward, ph.d. we could relate to the stories she discusses in the book and could make a direct correlation to our lives as jehovah’s witnesses.
while the experiences are somewhat different from what we encountered in our personal lives, we could readily comprehend how individuals use emotional blackmail to make others develop fear, obligation and guilt in order to manipulate them into furthering their own agenda.this podcast explains in great detail how jehovah’s witnesses live in the fog.
no one can dispute these comments as every current and former witness is most familiar with the culture of the organization!this podcast references the experience of a sister that lived in an iron lung and her experience was used as a tool to measure the faith of jehovah’s witnesses with otherwise good health that did not live up to the daily demands of the watchtower.
This was a good listen.
If you have about 15 minutes, it's a good reminder about how controlling the JWs are through seemingly subtle things that make people feel guilty or obligated.
No gun to the head necessary; they are able to get compliance through the self-policing of members through fear, obligation and guilt.
the god of christian theism values faith.. "without faith it is impossible to please god, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists" - heb.11.
faith and evidence are inversely proportional - the more evidence there is that god exists the less faith you need in that proposition and vice-versa.. so how can a christian criticise any other faith-based belief?
for example they can protest that all the evidence is against the claims of scientology, but that just means that scientologists require more faith than christians.
Dividing by zero is "undefined" not " unknown."
It is "undefined" because it makes absolutely no sense to divide something by zero. If you're dividing by zero, you aren't actually dividing at all. Mathematics can't do anything with that.
However, mathematics can work with "unknowns." Variables in algebra are exactly that: unknowns. They can be manipulated and even solved for. Mathematics definitely is in the business of "unknowns."
my grandfather insisted "birds of a feather flock together" and thought it was some kind of genius rule-of-thumb for understanding life.then i began noticing at school, at parties, in neighborhoods, people who looked the same hung out together and excluded others.then, i became a jw.
they only hang out with jw's.
the world was further divided into sheep and goats.
Well, I've always also heard that opposites attract.
Maybe we just have a saying at the ready to describe any type of behavior we see.