Thanks, Data. Stupid question, but do you do planks on your stomach?
What are the rules? Do you just randomly perch on something?
i hope this is okay with you simon, but since i've noticed the number of forum members looking to discuss or seek advice on various health issues i thought it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to this topic alone.
any discussions or advice on these matters could be put here where any and all would be welcome to jump in with any help they could offer.
i am working on the first questions at the moment taken from the cognac/morpheus weight loss thread.
Thanks, Data. Stupid question, but do you do planks on your stomach?
What are the rules? Do you just randomly perch on something?
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Brrr! It was in the 30s this morning while it was 75° last week. What crazy weather.
My tulips have come up but not bloomed yet. Hopefully it will warm up soon and I'll have colorful tulips in my front yard.
We have a pear tree that draws bees and beautiful butterflies in the summer.
I think I'm going to plant some butterfly bushes soon, too.
i hope this is okay with you simon, but since i've noticed the number of forum members looking to discuss or seek advice on various health issues i thought it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to this topic alone.
any discussions or advice on these matters could be put here where any and all would be welcome to jump in with any help they could offer.
i am working on the first questions at the moment taken from the cognac/morpheus weight loss thread.
How do you work out abdominal muscles when you have a lower spine fusion and are advised not to do sit ups anymore?
My husband has been doing lots of physical therapy and can work out his arms, but he can't figure out an effective stomach toning exercise.
He used to be a runner and now I'm wondering whether that damaged his spine as was mentioned. He's a big guy.Always healthy and muscular, except his spine is just crumbling. He's only 46. He had his fusion 4 years ago and just had a recent exacerbation.
He's working on core muscle strength now to support and take pressure off the spine. Any ideas on good exercises?
Also, he cycles. When he's curled over on his racing bike, it doesn't hurt his spine. But, he hasn't been able to get out over the winter.
He swims in the summer, too, but the pool is not open, yet.
What about supplements? Calcium? Can you still improve bone strength and density in your 40s?
my latest review for watchtower's most recent feature length propaganda film.
(not safe if sober.).
Nice commentary. I found the portrayal of the young JWs unrealistic. It seems like they were trying too hard to make them appear normal.
Good call on the coffee motif. I noticed that only after it was pointed out.
It is a staple during service. They need their caffeine infusion every hour or so.
there are some people that do in fact want to die.
these people include the mentally unstable, emotionally imbalanced, and those suffering from ailments or diseases, just to name a few.. i've never met however, anyone, or heard of anyone, who is of sound mind, who just awoke one day and thought it would be an excellent day to die......naturally.. your thoughts?.
"Animals don't see the future like we do." -Village Idiot
Yes, in a way we are victims of our large prefrontal cortex.
hello girls !.
i ve been reading you all many times , and from many years ..... i am sure my english is getting better and better because of you !
i am from france, no sorry , from "small brittany " what ?
If your father was converted rather than born in, that could explain why he thinks you should just shake off the "mistake."
It's not so easy when you've never known anything else.
Welcome! I'm glad you finally posted.
jw seek treatment for mental breakdown.. he tells the physician, my non-jw family tell me i'm nuts because i preach we are the only true religion (jws).. the doctor said that is strange because i have two patients that checked in yesterday and they .
each said they belong to the only true religions.
one is a mormon and the other a muslim.. so the doctor thought i will lock all three up in the same room for the night and see what.
I think it's a lovely change.
Was Scooter the name of the parrot?
does anyone know where is the grave of this person?.
is it an urban legend that his grave stone is a pyramid?.
would love to confirm this.. dy.