"Unprecedented move?"
Weren't they banned in Russia for years?
"Unprecedented move?"
Weren't they banned in Russia for years?
following on from another op who brought to our attention the new draconian blood card policy .i'm planning on visiting my dr to discuss this issue in advance.
i'm planning on telling her how jw's and possibly me will be blackmailed into signing this but really won't want the hlc involved and may want blood if needed.. i'm thinking about writing a letter that could be kept on file for future reference outling these issues, what do you think i should say in it?
ideas gratefully received thanks x.
Don't sign it!
Put them off, tell them whatever you need to, but don't sign anything that has innacurate information about your medical wishes.
If you are in an emergency and unconscious, they will take you to the nearest emergency room. Your doctor may not be there.
At that point, they would be legally obliged to follow your written wishes as represented in your Durable Power of Attorney.
Please find a way to tell them that you are not going to involve them in your medical advance directives.
You really could be signing a death wish!
i like how it looks in other people but not for myself.. this is a phrase i have heard often from my wife.
now i am to a point where i am trying to figure it out if this is something all women do or say.
i can understand how you would say this if you were talking about a type of clothing that doesn't go with your figure, except that you may add the disclaimer... "if i had that figure i would wear this".
This is very easy.
Women are not used to men wanting to know how they really feel.
If you want to know, ask her specifically. She'll likely oblige.
dear sisters,.
when you are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a jw penis you must take care to show the proper respect for it!
doesn't matter if said penis is prepubescent!
"It is a deliberate attempt to put down the male gender." - NotNew
In my experience, most guys are more than happy to acknowledge their penis. It's like they actually like them, or something.
this was a comment i made from another post, but i would like to hear some people discuss this.
i know the social justice warriors will scream i'm some sort of trump supporter for what i say even though i don't agree with his ideas and no i am not voting for him... i accept this is a go to for them.. i think we have fallen into a pc vacuum.. criticizing someones religion = racism!.
telling someone to not be so sensitive = misogyny!.
"Please join us for a special talk this Sunday on the timely issue, 'Overalls: Are They for Christians?' "
i ran into an older sister who has always been very sweet.. it was a friendly chat...yet she pushed for a reason why my family have been missing from meetings for some time.
the question was deflected, until it just had to be said: "well, there have been some troubling and disturbing issues about the society especially the way things were handled during the royal commission, as well as many other issues".. she quickly cut in and said "but why would you want to know these things?
its best not to research and look at those sort of things - so we don't get upset!".
ferris bueller's day off was an huge flick when i was young, and it's a many-layered story.
i was watching this vid, and realized that one reason i love this movie, is that it could be one metaphor for my life.
i took the lead, did it my way, and have had one helluva lot of fun on the journey.
"Beuller, Beuller. Beuller," is my standard shtick when I'm taking attendance in middle school and somebody's not paying attention.
They have no idea what I'm talking about, but it makes me laugh and that makes them suspicious and maybe a little more likely to behave.
i hope this is okay with you simon, but since i've noticed the number of forum members looking to discuss or seek advice on various health issues i thought it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to this topic alone.
any discussions or advice on these matters could be put here where any and all would be welcome to jump in with any help they could offer.
i am working on the first questions at the moment taken from the cognac/morpheus weight loss thread.
Thank you, SSS, again. My tablet died and it has taken 2 days to wrestle the computer from my son!
I have recently been reading up on longevity factors surrounding my bipolar disorder. Discouragingly, I found a study that indicated that those with bipolar disorder live about 9 (!) years less than those without it, but there was no indication that it was a direct correlation, in other words, it wasn't the bipolar disorder that was causing the shorter lifespan.
They rather thought it might be other health and lifestyle factors that get ignored when fighting the disease on a daily basis. For example, not getting screening and taking appropriate action on other preventable illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and maintaining general health and fitness since the psychiatric drugs are known to cause both weight gain and metabolism troubles.
Two things struck me about this. First, that statistic sucks! That would have me up and dying right about the time I retire. I want to be here for my son as long as possible.
Secondly, that those factors are within my ability to control, as least partially. I'm 44 years old and I need to start doing some preventive screening, like mammograms and blood sugar testing, both of which I've done, but not consistently.
Also, even if my medication makes me ravenous and can affect blood sugar levels, it's no excuse to not clean up my eating and eat healthily. I've gotten into bad habits. I've been monitoring what's been going into my mouth and it isn't healthful, by and large. My medicine makes me hungry, I know I shouldn't eat, but I eat something just to shut my stomach up and it's usually carbs. I've actually been monitoring my eating and asking myself why? and what I've come up with is that healthy food takes longer to eat and I need to eat more (of, say, salad) to fill up and it feels like I'm eating too much! My head is a scary place! This is a terrible, terrible cycle.
I need to get some common sense smacked into my head. I need to evaluate food on its nutrition merits. I need to start measuring portion sizes. I need to start counting calories. I need to exercise, even if it's just to get outside and take a walk on a sunny day.
I need to take action because I'm middle-aged and my joints are starting to hurt, I'm overweight and I don't feel like I'm aging well. I don't want to retire and drop dead the next day.
And I need to do all this while still fighting the bipolar disorder. Because that isn't going away.
Thanks, SSS, for this thread and all your knowledge and advice. This forum is wonderful because everyone shares of their talents so willingly. I believe I've just been inspired.
why are you guys so obsessed with organizations?
there has to be order in the world and organised people!
i hope this is okay with you simon, but since i've noticed the number of forum members looking to discuss or seek advice on various health issues i thought it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to this topic alone.
any discussions or advice on these matters could be put here where any and all would be welcome to jump in with any help they could offer.
i am working on the first questions at the moment taken from the cognac/morpheus weight loss thread.
Does the above chart have any significance regarding losing weight and exercising?
I have always heard about pear shape vs. apple shape.
I'm definitely an apple.
More like the athletic build on this chart, except I'm not athletic.
I don't have a waist and I never had much of a waist even when I was thin.
So, I'm more testosterone influenced according to this chart?
What does that mean regarding working out?