Hoob, why would you not join the conversation yourself?
You were criticized for lazily posting links.
i thought this would be a good time to pose some questions based on the series so far.. if creationism is true these should be easy.
answers that don't involve copy-paste would be really interesting to read.. ... .
1. since some proteins can be assembled in more ways than there are atoms in the universe why do the sequences of amino acids and bases vary between species in exactly the way evolution predicts?
Hoob, why would you not join the conversation yourself?
You were criticized for lazily posting links.
Nah, witness007, perfectly possible with bipolar disorder, manic phase.
He could have lived at the intersection of genius and madness.
i think he is, but i"m not too sure.
just wondering because looking at that purple pimp outfit with hat that he wore to prince's memorial, i wonder if he ever gave a talk wearing the same outfit, when i've read here that some brothers were talked to for wearing a pastel colored shirt while giving a talk..
My dad had a baby blue gingham check polyester suit in the '70s...and the rest of us had matching dresses.
Yuck, thinking about it now.
has anyone heard about this?
that really sucks.
lots of dubs are talking.
6th grade
Purple Rain and Thriller
So sad they're both gone.
probably not, since his mom already passed and no other family members are jws.
was he officially dfd or he just walked away, don't remember.
first off i do believe there are some evidences of evolution or i should probably say adaptation.
i do believe this exists in various forms.. however the deal breaker for me with evolution is the chick or egg problem.
there are tons of theories that get passed around as proof of evolution however these are usually examples much further down the evolutionary chain.. what i mean is let's start at the beginning!
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Oh, no, not weasels!
I think I'll take my chances with the squirrels. LOL!
My neighbor used to trap and release them in the woods until we found out they were endangered Delmarva Fox Squirrels and must be left alone.
Now they reproduce with impunity in the squirrel haven I have accidently produced on my property!
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Well, what a terrible surprise this morning. My beautiful tulips were all chewed off right under the heads!
I'm guessing it was the squirrels.
I've cut the last one and put it in a vase on my table. I should have done it earlier and I would've had a nice bouquet.
Well, anyhow, it's nice to finally get outside in the sunshine today. The cat is climbing the pear tree to catch a bird. I can't wait to see his face when it flies away!
i haven't seen anyone stopped for speeding on our freeways in some time.. wth it's dangerous out there, i'm driving 69-72 mph and someone pass me at 80-85 mph.. here in southern ca it,s crazy.
the speed limits are 65-70 mph.
i'am nervous as hell when i'am on the.
Exactly, paladin. Smart speeders stay behind other fast cars.
If there's room to maneuver on the highway and a very fast car comes up behind me, my motto is, "Go ahead with your bad self! Volunteer for that ticket!" and I let them pass.
Then I follow behind.
In my story above, there was literally no room to maneuver.
i haven't seen anyone stopped for speeding on our freeways in some time.. wth it's dangerous out there, i'm driving 69-72 mph and someone pass me at 80-85 mph.. here in southern ca it,s crazy.
the speed limits are 65-70 mph.
i'am nervous as hell when i'am on the.
So, Maryland allows drivers to drive in the left lane at the speed limit and does not require them to yield to faster traffic.
I wonder if this is because of the amount of left exits. There are a significant amount of them which requires all vehicles exiting to move to the left lane (fast lane) to exit.
Everybody hates them because they slow traffic down, but the roads are so dense and criss-crossed that sometimes they are the only solution.
I generally speed, like most drivers in Maryland. When I am in the fast lane going faster than the other 3 lanes of traffic (and probably directly behind another vehicle), do not come up behind me flashing your highbeams and tailgating me to make me move. First off, I am speeding as fast as traffic allows and there's nowhere for me to go, and secondly, your riding my ass with your highbeams on in an attempt to annoy me is only going to piss me off.
The last time this happened, I tolerated the deliberate and continuous use of highbeams at night for a few miles and then I slammed on my brakes. The lady behind me had to run off the road to avoid hitting me. Had she rearended me, it would've been her fault per traffic laws. She got back on the road and caught up to me, but she coudn't get around me because there was so much traffic there was literally no way. She engaged in angry, erratic lane changes behind me, but could never get ahead for the next 30 miles. I finally had to exit and she blew around me, flipping me the bird, but she had gotten absolutely nowhere in all of that time.
My vehicles are old, so go ahead and rear-end me. Her car was new, however, so hitting me would've been bad for her. The same principle applies when you have to merge onto an interstate that is crawling. The only way to do it is to cut someone off. You always pull out in front of a nice, expensive vehicle. They are going to do anything to avoid a collision.
These are the kinds of problems that happen when roads are so crowded that normal road rules can't be followed. Yes, I'm going to have to cut you off in order to merge on on the highway. The only worse thing is when someone comes to a dead stop when they're having trouble merging into traffic. That really screws traffic up and causes rear-end collisions.