JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Every Friday begins without a cause, and all rejoice. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
I think I know why this is so important to you: you have started at the end - I believe in god - and are now going backwards looking for data that supports your conclusion (that you somehow, in contravention of logic and reason, have started with.) -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Don't be disingenuous.
We all know your belief is that the first cause is God with a capital G.
That is not at all the same conversation that scientists are having about the beginning of the universe.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
"must by necessity?" exist outside of space-time?
Either that, or there was no first cause, but a rather slow arising of organic chemical compounds along the lines of the way we know things work in organic chemistry.
Why would one go to the extreme of jumping out of space-time!?!
Anti-Gay Cartoon Still Making Rounds: George Takei weighs in
by freemindfade ini also heard the video was being discussed on howard stern today.
Remember when Joe Camel was a cartoon advertisement for Camel cigarettes?
The courts finally decided that since it was a cartoon it was a violation of the law against marketkng to minors, and the Joe Camel campaign was stopped?
This is what is so upsetting to me: it's a cartoon and the audience is children.
I've known kids who grew up JWs when I did and told me they never really paid attention at the meetings and didn't really understand the teachings.
With all of this direct-to-children advertisement, it seems unlikely that that could ever happen again.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Indeed, and what caused th Causer to exist? -
Even heard of Brown's Wonder Salve? Pioneers (colporters) used to sell with with the publications.
by Londo111 ini saw this old news article posted on another forum:.
See Wild Thing's post "A Picture of the First Bethel" from yesterday.
There's a newspaper clipping with that information that I commented on.
Miracle Wheat, Brown's Wonder Salve and the Watchtower magazine; all brought to you by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!
Special Day for our family today!
by Captain Schmideo2 inmy son graduates with his bachelors degree, cum laude!.
he is the first in my family to graduate with a four year degree.
and he is already in talks for a teaching job.. so, gerrit lush....up your nose with a rubber hose!
Congratulations. Graduating with honors is impressive.
I can really appreciate the tremendous amount of effort put forth by your son. It's a really big deal.
You must be outrageously proud!
A Picture of the First Bethel
by Wild_Thing inhere is a picture of 124 columbia heights in brooklyn that russell purchased when he moved his operations to brooklyn.
it belonged to another preacher, henry ward beecher, before he died.
russell also bought his other properties that beecher had on hick street, which i guess would be the first assembly hall.
So, the colporteurs used to sell Brown's Wonder Salve along with the books.
It said the society paid $.17 for it and sold it to the colporteurs at $.25 ( I think. It was hard to read here.) Then, they sold it to householders along with the Bible literature.
Then, whenever the government got onto them for not paying taxes on these side ventures (like Miracle Wheat), Rutherford claimed that he wasn't making money on them. Everything was just sold at cost.
I remember using that line door to door in the '70s and '80s.
It's an interesting read if you can zoom in close enough.
Don't Want To Be At The RC This Year...
by JW_Rogue inthe whole time i'll just be thinking about what effect all those crazy loyalty videos will have on my family.
i can venture to guess that they'll be wound up and determined to "stay loyal" because this "is the truth" and "this system can't last much longer".
i have to go because not doing so would raise too much suspicion but i'm really dreading it.
Why not try for "Security?" Then you can muscle any protesting apostates from the venue!