Atheists don't hate god. They can't; they don't believe in him.
Maybe what they DO hate is the representation of god that Christians have come up with.
it is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
Atheists don't hate god. They can't; they don't believe in him.
Maybe what they DO hate is the representation of god that Christians have come up with.
very strange behavior by the attendants and elders after the duluth, ga, rc.
on the first link the attendants start to exit the arena, then line up and turn their backs on the street preachers.
(around the 6:00 mark).. elders and attendants after duluth rc.
And what happened next? It looks like preacher's camera got bumped and it shut off. Was there an assault? Were the police called?
What was the conclusion???
the us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
Also, there is the phenomenon of middle class flight from the city. This is similar to "white flight" in the mid 20th century that left the inner cities black while a lot of whites moved to the suburbs and forever snarled traffic.
However, Baltimore has always been a segregated city. There were unofficial black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods. As fortunes changed for working class whites, especially after this latest recession, poverty increased even among whites. The middle class moved away from neighborhoods that had fallen into poverty, and those neighborhoods were filled in by poverty -stricken folks. Then, those neighborhoods attract drugs and crime and once a neighborhood goes downhill, no one with better fortunes will ever want to move there.
It's like the tragedy of the commons; everyone acts in their own personal best interests which is detrimental to the common interest. And to rebalance that you need outside intervention, whether public or private. Publicly, Baltimore has provided old abandoned rowhomes for a dollar to people who promised to refurbish and live there for a certain period of time. Some neighborhoods turned around. They have also had a razing program for abandoned blocks of rowhomes to rid the city from some of the blight, but they have trouble finding finding for this.
On the private end, the affluent and prestigious Johns Hopkins University and Hospital is still thriving in the city and they have bought up blocks of rowhomes surrounding them to refurbish and house students and medical interns. This has, in general, spruced up these blocks, but the residents are transiet, so not a perfect solution for neighborhood building.
the us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
There was the question, can black cops be racist against black folks?
Black folks who are upstanding citizens have a BIG problem with other black folks who "don't act right." It makes the black community look bad which ultimately directs negative attention towards themselves.
I don't necessarily think that's racist, but it is intolerance to bad behavior from their own race.
i salute you.. when i was in, i was a brainwashed idiot.
it instilled an arrogance and made me part of a community that contributed to your suffering.. i remember when i would see a jw parent drag their teens to the meeting.
some of these parents had converted recently, some had been some years.
What a great post, Londo.
the us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
Baltimore can't get and keep cops because their pay is so low compared to surrounding counties.
Also, the working conditions are extremely dangerous because the poverty is concentrated within the beltway. There's virtually no middle class in the city at all; there's endless poverty and only some lucky working class. There's gangs there. It's a black hole of concentrated crime.
The net effect is that they can't find decent cops who live in the city to hire, and when they do, they can't retain them. Their job is dangerous and, in general, just awful. They see terrible, terrible things and some of them are never the same again.
Cops get their first couple of years' experience in Baltimore city and then transfer to the surrounding counties for both a raise and better working conditions.
This is from personal experience. I just accepted a teaching job there and have lived there in the past. My husband grew up there. The city got more and more dangerous which is why we moved.
my "anointed" roommate told me a good one today.
as we were discussing psychotropic medications, she brought up a friend of hers who was recently forced off of "benzodiazepine" (there is no one drug by this name; rather, it is a specific classification of drug).
she claimed that many people are being forced off of the medication(s) due to "concerns over side effects," and that her friend is suffering from withdrawal on top of whatever symptoms the drug was previously helping to control (she didn't elaborate and i didn't feel comfortable asking, sorry).. my roommate then went on record to say (i'm paraphrasing here) "this is why armageddon has to happen very soon, because satan is using this system to make all these people suffer psychologically to drive them into the streets and go crazy.
Early eighties? Mid eighties?
Never heard it before, but I like it!
I remember going to school in the late seventies and eighties and watching old movies with squiggly lines from the fifties.
Jesus, I'm getting old.
my "anointed" roommate told me a good one today.
as we were discussing psychotropic medications, she brought up a friend of hers who was recently forced off of "benzodiazepine" (there is no one drug by this name; rather, it is a specific classification of drug).
she claimed that many people are being forced off of the medication(s) due to "concerns over side effects," and that her friend is suffering from withdrawal on top of whatever symptoms the drug was previously helping to control (she didn't elaborate and i didn't feel comfortable asking, sorry).. my roommate then went on record to say (i'm paraphrasing here) "this is why armageddon has to happen very soon, because satan is using this system to make all these people suffer psychologically to drive them into the streets and go crazy.
Benzodiazepines should be tapered down so you don't suffer "withdrawal."
They are tranquilizers that treat anxiety and agitation, but if you go off of them suddenly, you can have rebound symptoms, which are a worsening of the agitation. That's why they should be tapered.
I hope this person has a competent doctor.
okay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
I'm actually more interested in what happens directly after the election. That's when the parties start strategizing for the following election.
The Democrats and the Republicans are both kind of shell-shocked and unstable right now.
I wonder what direction they are going to try to steer themselves toward now.
i'm probably going to say some things here that will disappoint many.
there are some that may look back over the years and say "man i really blew it" i'm not writing the following to scold for failures, but rather to help those who are young enough to put into practice what god wills for their life, and also to those of us who are in our middle years that still have time to change some things, in order to please god and find a peace that only being in his will can bring.
first let me say that god didn't create man for you.
Is this satire?
If not, so very sad, very sad, sad, sad. Sad face. :(
Seriously, it sounds likd some creepy man's wet dream. Yeah, you can get women to buy into it, but they are fully covered in long Little House on the Prairie dresses and wear their hair in long braids. So, not a net win.